Vibes for Rehoming Please!!


New Member
Oct 8, 2005
My sister gave one of the pups to her hair salonist. She now gave her back the puppy for a 'week' because she had vistors coming?!! Anyways this 'week' has turned into a month, shows how much she cares!! Not only that she has a schanzer (sp?) mix who lives outdoors!! My sister puppy stays indoors, and I know some people who do the whole big dog outside, little dog inside, but both of these are small dogs! I feel so bad for the dog, I mean not only is she an outdoor dog, and not only does a new dog come which already could cause jealous, but the new dog is treated better than her!

Not to mention once I came to her house and her dog was infested, I mean infested in ticks. I've had a tick infestation before, and I know how much work it takes to get rid of them, but I could pet my dogs and not feel the ticks on their body!! It was just bump after bump...and these weren't 'bumps', they were actually the ticks!!

So I'm going to try convince my sister to rehome the pup to my friend who has Louie (Valentino's brother). And if you know my sister's history its hard to convince her of anything dog-related. But one thing we agree on is that this is NOT a good home for the pup. What is she going to do everytime she gets visitors?! And I doubt it she'll keep the pup, her hubby will not fly with that, she'll then have SEVEN dogs. So its either I try and interfer with finding a new dog for this pup, or the pup go back to its P.O.S. 'owner'....and that won't fly with me!
Feb 4, 2008
Ugh, that sucks Candy. I know how hard of a time you have with your sister and dogs and I'm sorry the first home didn't work out for the pup

Good luck helping your sister find a more suitble home for the pup

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