Velcro the hunter...


Dog Show Addict
Sep 16, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I just had to brag(small), Velcro is FINALLY pulling his weight around here.. lol

Well, here is the begining..

We had orinally gotten Velcro to be the guardian for Tims dog food that he sells (sled dog performance food)... he was doing great until we had gone away for the weekend and asked a friend to feed Velcro each morning.. well they figured.. all cats will eat when they are hungry so only came the one day and put out a bunch of food. Velcro ate it all in one sitting thinking "This is GREAT!".. then the next morning came around and no food.. so he got inventive and ripped open a few bags of dog food and ate until he could eat no more.
We came home to quite the mess and one fat lazy kitty..

From then on, Velcro has been useless at guarding the dog food from mice. He knows how to rip them open and cost us money haha!

Anyways on the weekend I had stuck my head out into the garage and heard a chewing noise.. I went and got Velcro and stuck him out in the garage. Immediately he charged towards the noice and flushed out a little mole.. it bolted straight out of the garage..

Today, we put Velcro out into the garage again to see if he could find anything else in there.. about 45min goes by and I went to check on him, soon as I opened the door I hear a loud sqeaky/squeal.. I scream for Tim to come watch, we both go out and find Velcro underneath the stairs trying to fiddle through cardboard to catch the thing..

I grab gloves and start throwing the cardboard out of his way, he flushes a little mole out from the stairs into our small wood pile.. so i take apart the wood pile for Velcro..

That did it - he punced straight onto the mole, batted it around a few times, picked it up, shook it, dropped it and batted it around some more. When I went to take it from him, he grabbed it and ran off with it! I finally got it from him (I dont want him eating them.. blah).

I was so pleased with Velcro though! FINALLY hes earning his food/water! lol

The only downside is hes still rushing with adrenaline.. hes going nuts inside the house again, so far he has tried to hunt/stalk Princess - the only dog in the house that WILL actually eat him, hes made himself a fort in Tims Humidifyer box (jumping in and back out of it), hes jumped up ontop of our china cabinet and fallen/rolled out of the closet scaring the poop out of Riot, who is currently hiding behind me.. LOL

So, even though Velcro has lost his "man parts", hes gained it back in pride.. LOL


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