UTI & Housebreaking Question


Puppy Love
Mar 26, 2006
We have a 13.5 week old yellow lab pup who has been on antibiotics for a week now for a UTI. When the medicine is finished and I have her restested to make sure the UTI is GONE how is that going to affect the housebreaking we have been working on? I have never had to deal with this so I figured I would throw this out there to see if anyone else has.
Thanks so much.
Nov 12, 2006
Provided you continue with a regular potty schedule, and are consistant, it should be ok.

Take your pup out FREQUENTLY. Every 30 minutes or so. Don't give her a chance to have an accident.

Lots of praise when you take her outside to potty.

Good luck!
Mar 24, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
I understand what you are going through. Our pup was diagnosed with a UTI when she was about 3 months old (she's now 11 months) and was still in the process of being potty trained. She was drinking a lot of water and would just trickle a tiny amount of urine when she went potty... and went VERY frequently.

Charly was put on antibiotics for 2 weeks. After that, she was tested again and the UTI did not appear to be completely gone. So the vet put her on the same medicine for 2 more weeks. At the end of this perscription, she was tested again and the doc gave her a clean bill of health- even though I told him her symtoms still seemed to be persisting.

She continued to have accidents all the time even though she obviously knew how to ask to go out. She was bell trained. However, she'd ring the bell and then only be able to wait 2 seconds before she peed on the floor. Needless to say.. this was very frustrating. On top of all this, she couldn't make it through the night without having to go outside at least once. My boyfriend and I were so sleep deprived and frustrated. I contacted the vet and he assured me that she was "acting like a puppy" and was "being stubborn". This went on for several months and finally I couldn't handle it any more and took her to another vet.

This new vet tested her and the results didn't absolutely indicate that she had an UTI but because of her behaviour, they put her on a different, stonger antibiotic. There are 2 different typed of bacteria that can cause a UTI and typically the vet just treats for the more common one. But this vet felt that it could certainly be the same UTI Charly had had months earlier but never cleared up because the antibiotic she was originally given was not the correct type for the bacteria causing the infection <did that make sense?>.

After a two week regiment of this new different medicine... Charly was fianally able to "hold it" for hours and hours! Remarkably, she's not had an accident since!

Sorry about the long story-- but just wanted you to know that you're not the only one going through this. House training is a frustrating process, but possible. House training a pup with an UTI is frustrating and IMPOSSIBLE. It was a very trying time for us.. but once it cleared up... things were great. Just be very consistant with the positive reinforcement and "watch" your pup all the time. Charly was clearly house trained already but just couldn't hold it due to the infection. Once the the UTI was sucessfully treated... she knew just what to do.

Hope this helps.
Mar 26, 2006
Riley has a clean bill of health as of yesterday. So now we shall see. I hope she gets is soon. She is all but 15 weeks old now. When can I start to expect her to finally get it? I know all dogs are different I was just curious.
Thanks so much,
Mar 24, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
I really can't tell you that unfortunatley. It took Charly a lot longer than most other pups (even though we were SO consistant and careful with her) because of her prolonged UTI. I have friends that swear their pup only made a handful of mistakes in the house before they "got it". They were either lying or VERY lucky :)

I know what really helped with Charly was tapping on the door EVERY time before we went outside to "go potty". This would make her jump up on the door and she (very quickly) started making the connection that 'jumping on door= go outside to potty".

House training was probably one of the most frustrating things I've ever done. But it's over and Charly is GREAT now! So... there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just follow the basic steps of using a cue work (i.e. "go potty", etc.), positively reinforce (lots of treats when she goes OUTSIDE) and always have your eye on her when she's out around the house (always!)... that way you have a better chance to catch her in the act and swoop her outside. Those tend to be big "ah ha!" moments for pups. Peeing inside = bad. Peeing outside= good and lots of treats. There are other tricks- but I found those to be the most important ones. The more consistant you are though, the quicker she will get it. Hang in there :)

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