Two better than one??????


New Member
May 16, 2006
East Central Illinois
From the link I posted:

3. The pups need to be trained to rest calmly in separate crates while they are young. Putting two dogs in the same crate causes all kinds of problems, including excessive stress, fighting, and an over-dependence on each other. If there’s a mess, both are confined in it. Neither can get away from the other, and that’s just not natural for dogs. Plus, they very much need to learn while young that it is safe to be alone. And they need to bond with humans, which is hard for them to do when they spend all their time with another dog.

4. Each pup needs plenty of outings with humans without the other pup. This is an essential part of the pup developing an individual identity and the ability to function without the other one. It also gives the pup a desperately needed opportunity to bond with humans.

5. Each pup needs to be trained as an individual. When you have one puppy, a lot of training can happen around the house in the course of the day. Having two puppies complicates things. The outings will give you necessary opportunities to train the puppies away from each other.


I hope so too.

Unfortunately I've found that too many people really don't want the true answers, they want you to say what they want to hear.

I hope the OP reads it and takes it for what it is at face value.

Yes, one can raise 2 puppies at once. I've done it several times. It is not a good idea for pet owners.


♥Chloe & Violet♥
Aug 22, 2006
I'm probably the only one on here with this opinion, but I have 3 puppies at one time, and I wouldn't have it any different. Bonding was never an issue. They all are bonded to us, and each other. But truthfully, they'd rather be with us, than each other anyday. Training has been the only issue with us. The only *real* problem is that when we take them out to potty, they want to play with each other. Besides that, we've had no *real* issues. Good luck with your babies! If you have questions, email me at [email protected]. :)


New Member
Dec 12, 2006
We picked up the other pup on Friday night and so far things are going great! Other than the new pup is still learing that nightime is for sleep!

They are sleeping in seperate crates, they have seperate bowls and feeding times, we take them outside to potty seperately and the only time they are really together is at playtime and they do love to run and tumble together. They are the best of buds at this point. Bonding has so far not been an issue. We spend individual time with them both and we also play as a family. We spent at least four to five hours in the evening with them. They have our undivided attention in the evening hours and I am home with them all day and have lots of time to spend. So far, having two pups is not seeming to be an issue. They are bonding to both of us humans great! They wiggle and wag tails each time either my husband or I walk into the room. They are always happy to see us and they do listen when commanded to do things. So far so good.

And no, we are not ignoring what has been said and just choosing to hear what we want to hear. We have spoke to several people that have raised two pups from the same litter and they haven't seemed to have any difficulties. We are aware of the potential problems but we are intelligent people and are learning to deal with each little problem as it occurs.

M&M's Mommy

Owned by 3 mutts
Aug 9, 2006
The Golden State
We recently adopted a papi-poo pup from a very good litter. She is 8 weeks old and she is a precious little thing. We have now decided to go back and adopt another pup which we are picking up tonight. Our pup is a female and we are also adopting another female. Does anyone have any hints as far as raising two pups instead of just one? Do they sleep together or seperately? How do we handle feeding times? Is housetraining more difficult?

Any other information would be great. Wish us luck with our newest little bundle and we will post pics as soon as we have them.
I got Missy and Mocha on the same day, when they were both about 8 weeks old. They have always slept together, fed together, played together, and became an inseparable duo. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do, from the training standpoint, to feed them from one big bowl rather than two individual bowls, but it worked out great for us. None of them are food aggressive, they still allow each other to poke in even when they are eating. Now at one year old, they still oftenly share their bowl, & their bed, even though they do have their own.

The only thing is that you'd have to train them separately if you want to accomplish anything, otherwise they'd be too busy playing with each other to pay attention to your command.

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