There came a tapping,a tapping at my window


New Member
Jun 15, 2007
Ok so last night I couldnt sleep and I stayed awake most of the night being bored and jumping on my bed etc.
So at about 2 I was just sitting in bed on the laptop when I heard some noises outside-now when I hear noises Im not the type of person who just thinks its the wind or something I think its a burgaler or an alien etc etc.- So I froze for a second and listened and I could hear this gentle tapping on my window and faint crying noises. So I jumped out of bed ran screaming up the hall into my parents room and while freaking out I told them what happened and so my dad went outside.....and there was nothing there......becuase there's always nothing there...its always just me and my stupid imagination. So he went back to bed and I went back to my room. Sure enough I heard the tapping again. So being the brave little noodle that I am I jumped up whipped open my curtain and saw two fuzzy heads at the window staring in at from my dog and the other from the scruffy puppy teddy in her mouth....

She had jumped onto the bench outside my window and was scratching at the window and crying because she knew I was awake..

So then for most of the night I had to listen to tapping at my window...from a dog....until I heard her jump onto the windosill,fall off and shake herself....thats when she finally gave up....the end!

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