Then and Now

Sep 6, 2014
Fable has changed so much since I got her in April. She came to me as a foster so I could help her gain some much needed confidence and weight. She was scared out of her skin. Every little noise startled her and she would cower away when people tried to touch her. This was only seven months ago, and now she is a completely changed dog. She is practically bomb proof. She loves kids and other dogs, and will even solicit attention from strangers. I am also currently training Fable to be a therapy dog because she has this calming aura about her that makes you want to pour your heart out to her. People love Fable, and I can't believe that only seven months ago she was so shut-down. It is amazing how dogs can bounce back from horrible situations. Fable had a litter of puppies in late January, and when they were only a week old, the whole family was transported over 1000 miles from a shelter where they had the potential to be put down, to a no-kill rescue. Fable and her pups were bounced around to three different foster homes, but she never once showed any aggression. This dog amazes me, and I don't think I could have asked for a better companion.
Here she is with her pups:
IMG_1922 by fablethecattledog, on Flickr

I would love to see your guys' thens and nows. It can be from puppyhood to adulthood, or it could be a rescue story or a training breakthrough that you have had. (puppy pictures are welcomed and encouraged)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2008
Alexandria, VA
<3 What a sweet story with such a happy ending :)

Lucy was adopted when she was 3ish. We were at least her 3rd home in 3 years (she'd been in the shelter twice). She was a hyperactive loon who had no brain on her when she saw a squirrel or another dog or a car or a bike or or or...

She was smarter than anything, and frequently escaped our apartment and ran around the neighborhood while we were at work. She couldn't be crated (broke a tooth trying that!), and knew how to open kitchen cabinets and get on the counter to steal food. She was a handful.

We signed her up for agility classes, took her to the dog park daily, went on hour long walks before work, and I read everything I possibly could about wearing out and training hyperactive, reactive dogs.

I am proud to say that the other day when I was fussing with the baby in the stroller, I dropped the leash just as a school bus went by...and she wanted so badly to chase it, but instead she turned back to me for treats. <33333. She is the bestest dog in the whole world, and I love her so much. We have gone on so many adventures together in our 6.5 years together, and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Shelter photo:

First photo together:

And this past halloween, with her baby brother:

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