The Venting Thread

Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Have to drive The Overlords to a doc appointment in Knoxville tomorrow, and then back again Thursday for my dad's eye surgery, which even under *normal* circumstances is always a tension fraught day fueled by my mother's melodrama and high bitchery . . . but after the election results it's going to be 1000X worse -- and it will be all my fault. :rolleyes:


Active Member
Oct 9, 2009
Polls closed FOUR HOURS AGO and my stupid county hasn't reported ANY results yet. None whatsoever. I really want to know how this fluoride thing went over. But nooooooo, counting is SO complicated :rolleyes: They're blaming it on the elections process itself, absentee ballots, voting machines...well, guess what? ALL the other counties had to deal with the same thing, and they've been able to give us some numbers. Just...get your **** together!
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Polls closed FOUR HOURS AGO and my stupid county hasn't reported ANY results yet. None whatsoever. I really want to know how this fluoride thing went over. But nooooooo, counting is SO complicated :rolleyes: They're blaming it on the elections process itself, absentee ballots, voting machines...well, guess what? ALL the other counties had to deal with the same thing, and they've been able to give us some numbers. Just...get your **** together!
Maybe they're having trouble getting the count to come out the way they want it to . . .


Dec 16, 2004
I want my neighbor out of this building. SHe is a drunk, she throws lit cigarettes down everywhere and hits the garage door on a regular basis as a way of knowing when to stop her car. SHe has thrown out broken beer bottles that I had to clean up before my grandchildren came, and the final straw, was when she put an old declawed sick cat out to die. AFter days of knocking on her door while feeding her cat and giving it water, and a plastic bin and coat and blanket for shelter, I saw the cat was getting more ill. I saw her drinking and drinking and drinking which I have never known an animal to do unless they were trying to put a fire out internally I wrote a note and put it on her door, your cat is critically ill and needs immediate vet attention. I have brought her in out of the cold. IF you cannot provide her care, let me know and I will do so. She flipped Hyia off when she knocked on the door, and told me as she was driving off for work the next day, "its just a GD CAT for F Sake SHE"S DYING OF CANCER" It's not like she is a human. And with that she drove off. SO I called the sheriff, but the laws are different for cats here than they are for dogs so they would not come pick up the animal.. I asked if I could take the cat to the vet and see to a merciful end, for she was bleeding pink tinged urine, and then a few hours later, all of that completely stopped. I Figured her kidneys had shut down. HE gave me permission and I did, and the cat was pts on my dime.
THen PyschoB decides to get some attention out of this and calls the police and tells them I stole her cat. THe cat she has neglected and put out to die, she said she LOVES her KITTY andw as only letting her out in the afternoon for some sunshine. THe wind blew cold and freezing for days before, and the cat spent time under the cars, and eventually trying to warm herself by the streetlight when I brought her flea ridden body in. SHe called the police on me 3 seperate shifts. I guess thinking maybe the next shift would believe her, but the report stood. She should have been ticketed for neglect and abuse. She called the humane society and bad mouthed me telling them "lots of things about me". She doens't know me from adam.
So I sent the HS the police report, and am horrified that I brought them any kind of headache, lost 3 nights sleep, been sicker ever since, and yesterday she flicked a lit cigarette out the door as Victor and I walked past. I have had one house fire, and I do not ever want to live through another one. I despise the woman and I don't know why I have to tolerate this. I sent the building owner pics of the garage door, (she hit it once when Hyia was putting out the trash not 3 feet away) the lit cigarettes, and butts everywhere, and the police report. STill she is here.I am so angry. SHe also slapped and said horrible things to her teenage son until he too flew the coop, but not before coming here to use the phone regularly to call for food. He was not in school, and has since joined the army. He was a good kid. The cat was a good cat. THe woman is NOT a good woman. One of us is going to have to go because I will not live next to someone like this ever.


Resident fainting goat
Oct 12, 2008
I want my neighbor out of this building. SHe is a drunk, she throws lit cigarettes down everywhere and hits the garage door on a regular basis as a way of knowing when to stop her car. SHe has thrown out broken beer bottles that I had to clean up before my grandchildren came, and the final straw, was when she put an old declawed sick cat out to die. AFter days of knocking on her door while feeding her cat and giving it water, and a plastic bin and coat and blanket for shelter, I saw the cat was getting more ill. I saw her drinking and drinking and drinking which I have never known an animal to do unless they were trying to put a fire out internally I wrote a note and put it on her door, your cat is critically ill and needs immediate vet attention. I have brought her in out of the cold. IF you cannot provide her care, let me know and I will do so. She flipped Hyia off when she knocked on the door, and told me as she was driving off for work the next day, "its just a GD CAT for F Sake SHE"S DYING OF CANCER" It's not like she is a human. And with that she drove off. SO I called the sheriff, but the laws are different for cats here than they are for dogs so they would not come pick up the animal.. I asked if I could take the cat to the vet and see to a merciful end, for she was bleeding pink tinged urine, and then a few hours later, all of that completely stopped. I Figured her kidneys had shut down. HE gave me permission and I did, and the cat was pts on my dime.
THen PyschoB decides to get some attention out of this and calls the police and tells them I stole her cat. THe cat she has neglected and put out to die, she said she LOVES her KITTY andw as only letting her out in the afternoon for some sunshine. THe wind blew cold and freezing for days before, and the cat spent time under the cars, and eventually trying to warm herself by the streetlight when I brought her flea ridden body in. SHe called the police on me 3 seperate shifts. I guess thinking maybe the next shift would believe her, but the report stood. She should have been ticketed for neglect and abuse. She called the humane society and bad mouthed me telling them "lots of things about me". She doens't know me from adam.
So I sent the HS the police report, and am horrified that I brought them any kind of headache, lost 3 nights sleep, been sicker ever since, and yesterday she flicked a lit cigarette out the door as Victor and I walked past. I have had one house fire, and I do not ever want to live through another one. I despise the woman and I don't know why I have to tolerate this. I sent the building owner pics of the garage door, (she hit it once when Hyia was putting out the trash not 3 feet away) the lit cigarettes, and butts everywhere, and the police report. STill she is here.I am so angry. SHe also slapped and said horrible things to her teenage son until he too flew the coop, but not before coming here to use the phone regularly to call for food. He was not in school, and has since joined the army. He was a good kid. The cat was a good cat. THe woman is NOT a good woman. One of us is going to have to go because I will not live next to someone like this ever.
((HUGS)) I have no advice.. it seems like you've done everything you can
that just is a really awful situation!
**VIBES** that she moves far far away!


Dec 16, 2004
THe poor cat was just a skeleton, My Mom told me I was the only friend she had, for when I opened the door she would head my way with her rusty cry. I was not a good friend, I was much too little much too late. During the time she disappeared inside I have no idea how long she went without anything to eat of if her emaciated state was caused by whatever she had, and I never knew cancer to take a year for an animal to advance like that, or get better as she claimed it had. I will never forget her, and I feel awful t hat something wasn't done the first time a year ago when she was outside and I saw her fur was puffed and she felt hot to me, and I left a note..your cat is sick..your cat needs to go to the vet. Her son was around at that time and the cat did go, the son told me "she may have kidney cancer" I can't help but wonder if it was cystitis. Either way, no declawed ill animal should ever be treated like that, nothing should..cept maybe her. THat woman makes my skin crawl. Thanks Fran, I only wish I had done something much sooner for the cat, I have no idea why laws should be different for one animal than they are for another.


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
I don't want to play the gossip game. I hate the attempts to drag me into it. I have repeatedly told you the last thing I heard was that so-and-so is very happy, and that is ALL I care about. The rest of this stuff is just stuff. I am far too busy for this.

And I am in such a foul mood that I'm tempted to nail my co-worker about an error SHE made when I know a mistake is just a mistake and there's no reason for me to stoop to the level of other people and retaliate. I don't even like that I was tempted to do such. Yuck.


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
In the last half hour this house has descended into complete CHAOS. Hannah went from normal happy mood to a severe case of BADMOOD-itis in the drop of a hat. She does have a cold and I'm sure she isn't feeling great but man such a sudden mood change (I am feeding her now and I'm sure that will fix things)

THEN just to add insult to injury a balloon popped right in her face. Needless to say that did NOT help to improve her mood

At this point my brain is about ready to check out for the night


Active Member
May 29, 2006
Michigan, USA
I'm full I woe and separation anxiety >.<

My OH went to a Wayne Dyer lecture with a friend and I was left to work the late shift and come home alone =( It's pathetic that we spend all day, every day with each other at work and home and he's gone for a few hours and I miss him like crazy!

Reason #38473 we need a dog!


Sport Model Pug
Aug 17, 2009
Southern Alberta
Why is it so hard for my arms to know what to do when I'm looking in a mirror? I'm dying my peekaboos blue tonight and like smeared it on my ear because I the brain to arm connection isn't the best.


Clicker Cult Coordinator
May 17, 2006
Why is it so hard for my arms to know what to do when I'm looking in a mirror? I'm dying my peekaboos blue tonight and like smeared it on my ear because I the brain to arm connection isn't the best.
OMG this made me laugh so hard because it's TRUE. I try to curl my hair... it's ridiculous. I'm like flailing my arm around going "WHICH WAY DO I NEED TO MOVE"

I feel kinda bad because I've checked out of my job. I got through the first month and got through the week my co-worker was gone, which is how long I really felt obligated. I actually thought things were improving because when she was gone people suddenly started respecting me, because nothing went wrong, the place didn't burn down, people weren't all getting wrong orders... and now that she is back it's like I've been downgraded back to "the idiot" again.
This is what pisses me off... at the end of October, we sent out some yogurt to a customer (who happens to be somebody I know from the radio station.) She called and was like "uh, this stuff expired over a month ago." Um, gross. So I wrote a pick up slip to send a driver out there to pick it up. The guys in the back just decided they weren't going to go pick it up because they weren't also making a delivery, but didn't tell me this. So a week later she calls me going "So the yogurt is still sitting here..."
So I wrote ANOTHER pick up slip with a note on it "this was supposed to be picked up last week." Only at this point did one of the warehouse guys tell me he didn't feel like sending a driver out to go get it when they weren't also making a delivery. .........
Okay, so I called her back and told her to just throw it out and we would give her a credit. So I gave a credit slip to the accounting person here with the note "expired over a month ago" on it written on the reason why we needed to make the credit.
She came up here and said "We're not writing her a credit for something that expired a month ago."
"...even though we sent it to her last week?"
"Oh, it was expired when we sent it to her?"
Um, DUH? YES? Did you seriously think a) they called to ask for a credit because they let something sit around and go back and that b) that I would actually WRITE a credit slip for that?

This is what pisses me off. People just walk around assuming I'm an idiot and often it's the CUSTOMER that gets screwed. And then of course I'm getting yelled at by the customer too because they've gotten screwed because of everybody else's attitudes...
So I've pretty much just checked out. I was supposed to make calls yesterday morning and I completely forgot. For one thing I sorta forgot what day it even was. But I'm just not very present mentally when I'm here. And it really sucks.

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