The problem with people on the internet


Nobody In Particular
May 29, 2006
Is the same problem with people driving cars....

Everyone driving faster than you is a dangerous maniac, and everyone driving slower than you is a friggen jerkhole.

And no, this isn't about you... unless it is... Then it is... You get to figure that out for yourself.

This all gets fairly disjointed, and ranty from here on in, be warned

It's always about everyone else in relation to you. It's never good enough that people are who they are, we always have to examine them, and worse, judge them through the lense of our experiences. That is: we judge them based on how different they are from us. Go ahead, deny it. No skin off my back. I don't need agreement, I can see it. Every day, all the time. Oh, don't worry, I wont judge you for it (heck I do it too!) But, ahh, the person you're judging... they might.

"Can you believe that?!" "How can they think I'm an idiot, when I laid out my arguments to their beliefs so clearly and concisely that it's very clear now that they're the actual idiot here"

That logic, right there, is a real piece of work. So I'm supposed to be okay with you judging me, my thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. But it's NOT okay for me to judge you for yours. And this rule is based solely on the fact that you are you, and everybody else... isnt? Turn around is, apparently, no longer fair play!

I wonder how many peoples perfect world this is...

"Hey you! you're an idiot!"

"Wow, you know, I never thought of it that way! I AM an idiot! How could I not have seen that before?! What an idiot of me!"

It would seem that THAT world would be the ideal place for a great many of the people who stumble haplessly upon this interweb thingy. Not my perfect world, but then I welcome a good challenge.. To each their own, I suppose.

They say that the definition of insanity shifts depending on the viewpoint of the majority. If all of a sudden the sane people found themselves in the minority you would quickly find yourself locked away in a padded room wondering: "what happened to the world?"

We here in America love those documents guaranteeing our rights. Like the right to say anything we want, no matter how stupid. The right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty no matter how corrupt. And we love to hear that saying "All men are created equal" (sorry girlies, you're SOL (just teasing).) We LOVE it. Because it means *I* get to be fundamentally as worthwhile as everyone else. *You* on the otherhand... Dont waste my time.

OH! there it is again: that habbit of making arguments based solely on the "fact" that we're right simply because we're who we are.

Oh don't tell me you don't see it. Don't pretend you cant, after serious thought, name 15 people (some of whom are friends) who do this. And don't be ashamed of it... It's a fundamental part of the human condition.

And that, my friends is real freedom. The freedom you're using right now. To judge me and my saying these things, even as you would prefer I not judge you.

The thing people don't understand about freedom is that it only works in one direction. Freedom only works in positives. Freedom is never a negating force. I have the freedom to act. but I do not have the freedom to not be acted upon. I have the freedom to speak, but not the freedom to not be spoken to. Oh i have the freedom to attempt to avoid, but when my freedom is pitted against your freedom, well... nothings gauranteed.

Welcome to life, unmoderated. You really only have a say about yourself. Its when you act on yourself that you shine brightly enough to reach those who were heretofor unreachable. It's wjem upi act upon others that you dim to the point of obscurity.

The names that are remembered. The names that have had a lasting impact. The names remembered far and wide long long after their deaths. Those people reflected upon, acted upon, and changed themselves before ever once lending their wisdom to other people. Because without truly knowing themselves, without understanding how to bend their own selves to their own will they would have no wisdom to share, only hollow nothings which leave no lasting impact.

I would argue that the vast majority of the people you will meet and know in your life will lack this self understanding, this self discipline. But even as they lack it they are drawn to those who have it like moths to the flame.

If you want to change a thing by any means other than force, then the first step is not to dive that thing away. Because you cannot change something that you cannot affect.

anyways... it's WAAAAY too late... and i've probably lost several trains of thought in this post, and everyone is probably confused by now.

If you did make it through, and you know what I'm talking about, then congradulate me in the afternoon. Till then, I sleep.

P.S. if this really actually made no sense (friends dont let friends post past the point of no longer having the attention span to watch tv) will a moderator please just delete it and everyone can forget the crazy man (me) ever said anything.


Jan 7, 2007
"Hey you! you're an idiot!"

"Wow, you know, I never thought of it that way! I AM an idiot! How could I not have seen that before?! What an idiot of me!"
OMG..........Kevin and I were having this discussion RIGHT before I clicked this thread open! You nearly wrote my words to the tee!

I agree whole heartedly with your crazy late night ranting :D.........could be that it's SUPER early in the AM and I didn't sleep much last night though, LOL


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
There's only a problem with people on the internet if you CHOOSE to have a problem with people on the internet.

Unlike driving a car (where generally you have to keep going or face the consequences - crash, middle of nowhere etc etc), you can walk away from a computer unharmed and the same as you were before you parked your behind on the chair.

Make the choice, stick with it, and be happy.

I do agree with the general jist of the post, I just think people need to slap themselves about the face sometimes when they get so sucked into a thread.

Stand up and splash themselves with cold water, remember there's an OFF button and get hold of their emotions, perhaps putting them into some real life cause OFF the net that they obviously are so passionate about.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
"Live unmoderated but drink moderately, otherwise the only thing in moderation will be the flowers at your grave."


I'd rather be at Disney
Jul 7, 2005
Lancaster, PA
I think the thread should be entitled.... "the problem with people"

This happens in every aspect of life... not just the internet. The difference is in real life you can just reach over and swat them about the head and neck area.

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