The Million Dog Wall Project


New Member
Jan 20, 2006
A Virtual Wall of One Million Dogs Photographs on the Internet to highlight Animal Rights

I started to build a wall of 1,000,000 dogs photographs on the Internet submitted by 1,000,000 people who care enough to make the effort to build this wall to highlight the inhumane treatment of dogs world wide.
Join me in building this wall

The Million Dog Wall Project

The animals most humans ever get close too are dogs, yet some people and cultures treat them very badly, mostly through ignorance. I live in Ireland which has the record for the highest number of dogs put down per capita each year in the western world. I cannot get on a bus or a train with my dog. I cannot stay in a hotel or guesthouse unless they are very open minded owners. Most landlords will not have me as a tenant, many of my family will not let me bring my dog inside their house as if it's a disease instead of a well trained companion .I lived in Europe for a long time and could take my dog on public transport anywhere, stay in hotels, go to restaurants and pubs with my dog.

I keep asking myself why this country as a whole has such a negative attitude to dogs and I can't figure it out. I heard about " The Million Dollar Home Page" and joined up and seemed to get a lot of hits on my site so I thought I'd make it mean something. I want to build a wall of 1,000,000 dogs submitted by 1,000,000 people who care enough to make the effort to build this wall to highlight the inhumane treatment of dogs world wide.

When I have reached 1,000,000 I will print a giant photograph of the wall ( it may take years ) and exhibit it in every capital city in the world. If you want to be part of this then e mail me a photo of your dog ( if you have one) or any dog if you want to add your voice to this. It cost's 1 Dollar or 1 Euro or whatever its worth in your own currency, it is not about making money it's about using the power of the internet to make an issue important, and about the visual impact a giant photo of 1.000.000 dogs will have on people.I beleive this will also be the largest photo in the world also as it will be 100 meters long. Its like a petition only we vote photos and links instead of signatures.The money will be used to finance the project. If you can't spare a dollar that;s ok, and if you can spare more feel free.I will put your dog's photo up immediately and your link. The first 1000 photos will be free. Photos should be 400 x 400 pixels in size and can link to a site or homepage or a larger photo of your dog if you want, or just list your name and address. If you are a company and want to sponsor a square then get an individual employee to send in a photo of a dog, you can get numerous employees to do this but your company cannot have anything to do with testing products on animals, porn or gambling, and by having your site linked you agree to support the issue of animals rights. E mail [email protected] to send in your photos and details.

Dogs Are People 2


Whippet Lover
Jan 6, 2006
<The animals most humans ever get close too are dogs, yet some people and cultures treat them very badly, mostly through ignorance.>

I just wanted to point out, since you also say that on the website, you used the wrong version of "to", it should be "to", not "too".


New Member
Jan 20, 2006

:confused: Thanks for that..I never could spell and I just wrote it in another language also...i probably messed that up too...I shall change it

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