Tell me about Shelties!


Love is 4 legged word
Dec 23, 2013
Just related to coats, they should blow the same as any other double coated breed. Normally right around spring and fall.
Thanks for the information.

Personally. I'm fine with a lot of fur. It's can just be really annoying at times.

Most shelties I meet through agility are not shy. I know many and none are shy though they are mostly not over the top forwardly friendly towards people- not like a lab or anything. Of mine, one was horribly, horribly shy but then again Mia is pretty shy too so I'm not sure it's a breed thing so much. I'd pick breeder and line carefully and be very clear what kind of dog you are looking for. If you want to do agility, it'll be easier with a confident dog.

Mine would have been fine in an apartment but I know several shelties that wouldn't be fine without debarking. That would be something I'd talk to the breeder about. I have also met some really quiet shelties so it's not like the breed as a whole is neurotic barkers. They definitely exist in the breed though.

I did not brush my dogs nearly enough. Once a week or so most weeks. During shedding season we'd brush them out a few times a week but they'd still make tumbleweeds.
Thanks so much for answering.

That's good to know.It's is just something that really does concern me. I might paranoid about it.

If I do go the breeder route, I'd most likely pick a sporting line, because I do want to get competitive in Agility,& Disc Dog/Frisbee. Definitely do plan to pick my line carefully. I'd like to meet a few of the dogs that breeder produces , before I decide to get a dog from them.

If something were to come up. I'd have no problem dealing with it. I'd just like to prevent those problems, when possible.

As stated above, fur really doesn't phase me. I'm use to tumble weeds of fur. And fur floating in the air.

Maybe I can make a sweater with all the fur?:rofl1:

Every one of my dogs has a person they much prefer... Auggie is very obviously my dog as opposed to anybody else in the house, Payton is a HUGE mama's boy. Pepper is practically addicted to me. =P Georgie digs hanging out with me, sometimes my mom gets a little offended by how much she loves me (especially at an agility trial, she only has eyes for me...) but she is definitely my mom's dog. I have found them to be one-person dogs, even if they enjoy the company of other people - they just have one person who is clearly their favorite and that's how it is.

Payton has the heaviest coat and he also tends to be the dirtiest, so he gets brushed the most - but even that is, um... I mean, yesterday I "brushed" him by taking my pin brush and going over his chest hair for about 60 seconds to knock out the dirt and tangles. Before that... well, I did give everybody a serious grooming once-over before we did our Christmas photos two weeks ago, so I guess two weeks before? Auggie sometimes gets a brush down his underbelly because he gets clumpy between his front legs. Pepper hardly ever gets brushed because she hardly ever has any real coat to speak of. It's very very infrequent that I brush my dogs. Maybe once every couple of weeks, and usually it is not a full-on grooming. Payton does get a decent brushing before we go trial somewhere because he needs to look presentable. Nobody else really gets brushed that often, and since we're in off-season Payton is going to get brushed less now, haha.

As far as grooming and blowing their coats, I do all my grooming myself, so when they start to blow coat, the best thing to do is give them a nice warm bath and then blow them out with a forced air dryer. I do the drying outside so the hair doesn't go everywhere in the house. Then the next day (I usually wait until the next day so the coat has plenty of time to fully dry) I line brush them. That takes care of a majority of the shedding around that time. From there it's maybe a little tuft that will start to creep out, but the majority of it is gone from the bath and forced air drying.
I actually prefer sheltie shedding to a lot of other shedding LOL. It's soft and it kind of tumbleweeds like Laur says, as opposed to like a GSD or husky who just drop spiky little hairs all over the place and it doesn't clump up or tumbleweed together.
I always love your answers,& their so helpful & informative.I appreciate it!

I'd love a dog that is addicted to me.

I'm definitely fine with a one person dog. Actually, I'd prefer it. As long as the dog is tolerant of others, I'm a-ok with a having breed that tends be a one person dog.

As for me physically blowing their coat, it's definitely something I'll consider(& very likely use.)

Penn sheds SOMUCH. I brush constantly with a zoom groom to not be covered in little red hairs.
Tell me about it. It's impossible to leave the house without having fur all over.

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