Teaching Maggie Tricks

Feb 21, 2008
Columbus, OH
Ok I talked about this a bit in another thread but I'd like to start a thread about it so I can get more people's opinions that are good at teaching tricks.

Maggie knows "sit", "down", and "leave it". She already knew those commands when I got her. I don't really know how to teach tricks, but I thought "roll over" would be easy so I tried it. I had a treat in my hand and said "roll over" using a circular motion with the treat. It didn't work. I can't really force her to roll over and treat her because she doesn't like that - she walks away. In fact if I work with her on something too much and she can't figure it out, she gets annoyed that I'm not giving her the treat and walks away and ignores me for a while. I did teach her to sit before crossing the street, and I don't even have to give a command anymore. When we come to the street, she sits, and I pat her head, then we walk across. Sometimes I have to stand there and look at her expectantly but she figures it out.

I would like to teach her to roll over, stay, sit up (as in sit from a lying position, not necessarily sit on hind legs although that would be cool). I would also like to teach "heel" as a command, because I don't care if she sniffs around as much as she wants on walks, but if we come across someone, I would like her to be by my side on my command.

I have a little trouble with "come" sometimes. I always make sure her coming results in awesome things happening - several minutes of petting and praise, treats, etc. She USUALLY comes to me. But once in a while when she's off leash outside, whatever she's sniffing is more important than praise and treats. I still let her off leash even though she does that sometimes because she won't run away when I go get her. When I have to go get her, she usually comes when I'm within 5 feet and I still praise her for coming, but I leash her and take her inside. I never punish her for not coming. If you have any tips on getting her to come every time I call, that would be great :)


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
For the come if she happens to not listen make yourself VERY interesting so she will decide to come to you because you look more interesting than the environment. Jump up and down, run away, make strange noises, fall onto the ground (think of stuff that will make your neighbors think you're crazy) anything that will make her pay attention to you then praise the heck out of her when she comes.

Roll over can be hard for some dogs but Maggie is pretty petite and young I think so she should not have any reason for it to cause her discomfort. Have her go into a down and then use the treat to lure her onto her side. For Phoebe I was able to lure her all the way over without taking baby steps but for some dogs you'll have to do baby steps. This means start by praising her for going onto her side an slowly get her to go further and further over and eventually get her to do a full roll over then give her many treats one after the other (jackpot) and make a big deal out of it. Be persistent and don't get frustrated. Eventually she'll be doing it no problem.

For stay you need to start small. Have her standing in front of you, step back one step, step forward and treat and praise. Continue one step back then go to two. If she steps forward don't step as far back next time. Make sure to always come forward to praise her don't make her come to you to get her praise and treat because you need to make sure she is getting rewarded for staying put. Just slowly move further and further back if she messes up just quickly step forward to block her, wait a moment to make sure she settles and try again but don't go as far back. Once she seems to get it you can add the command "stay" before you step back. Eventually she'll understand the command and you'll be able to go further back. Later you'll increase the time you stand away but work on one at a time. So if you start increasing the amount of time she stays you should not move too far away. If you are moving far away it should be for a short time. Then work on making her stay for longer and further together once she can do them separately.

For teaching her to sit from a down you can put her in a down, praise, then release and wait for her to sit and then praise and treat. Or you can have her down, praise, release and then lure her into a sit while you say sit.
You said she does know the sit command so try and make sure she won't already sit from a down with just a little encouragement or a few lures.

I only can teach heel with clicker training, do you clicker train? I'm sure others can help you with that if you don't.

Good luck and remember to have fun, tell us how she does!

Work on one or two things at a time so she does not get confused (some dogs do get bored just doing one over and over so working on two per session can be helpful to them, for others though it would confuse them).


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Teach your dog the "kiss command!" It's pretty simple...

Every time your dog licks your face, say, "Give me a kiss!" If he isn't a licker, put a little peanut butter on your cheek. ;)

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