Stricture problem?

Apr 1, 2005
Hello. I posted about a year ago about my now three year old lab/bordercollie mix Sage. I'm happy to say she is doing great behaviorally and her joint issues are causing her no problems at all. We had a health scare this weekend I had a question about. Last Friday we noticed that Sage was a little quiet but figured it was the heat. That night about 1 AM she woke us up crying and wining and panting and rubbing her butt against the ground. She seemed really uncomfortable and sort of scared. We were afraid it might be a fox tail in her bottom, and anyway she seemed too bad to wait till morning, so off we went to the emergency vet. They kept her overnight. They said no foxtails anywhere but she seemed to have a really bad vaginal infection and UTI. The said she was leaking urine, and on examination they found a "stricture", either in her vagina or uterus, I forget. They said it's really common but if it causes symptoms it can lead to repeated UTI's or incontinence. They said that there are meds that can take care of incontinence if that happens, and if need be they could operate and get rid of the stricture. They are hoping this is a one time thing that anti-biotics will clear up, and that she won't have any further problems. She seems completely fine now, she certainly isn't leaking any urine or anything, but to our knowledge she never has. Did anyone ever have a dog with this problem?

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