Sport for my Jack Russell?


New Member
Oct 23, 2006
Well I want to find a sport for my Jack Russell. I'm 14 but I have pretty strong bond with Jack (my dog) and have trained him pretty well. I don't really want to win anything, I just want to have fun, though I don't mind competing in the proccess. I want to try flyball but the equiptment is a little expensive ($200 for box). I don't know where to find flyball places in my area, kansas city.

Here's a list of what Jack likes to do:

  • Play with ball
  • Tug of War
  • Jumping, he can jump on my trampoline which is very good for his height
    Swimming in water that's level, meaning water that doesn't require stairs to get out of. He likes this one pond where he can just hop up on a rock but doesn't enjoy my grandma's pool to much.
  • Running
  • Hide and seek
  • Chasing small animals/rodents

One main reason I want to get him into a dog sport is because he's a bit territorial. He barks and growls at people passing by and has bitten one person before I got an underground fence, but he's usually fine after I greet the person and he meets them. I'm not so sure about dogs though. He loves the two neighbor dog's he used to play with but his favorite moved away. The other dog he doesn't get to play with to often since I'm weary of him biting someone passing by now and the other dog isn't to fond of playing ball with him. Sometimes we can get them to run around together. There are these two dogs that came for a visit and he wasn't to fonf of them, my only guess is because they're smaller than him. When I took him to the dog park he was nervous but didn't growl at any dogs, and loved playing fetch in the pond until some huge husky stole his ball. So yeah, I think a dog sport might help him like other dogs.

So how do I find places that let any breed and mixed breeds participate in sports and help train for the sport? I really think he would enjoy Dock Jumping and flyball.


Mar 27, 2005
QLD, Australia
i think they do excercises, like practice hunting. but then youd have a dog trained to kill.

ahh, they do jack russel races, but JR's seem to be a strung up bunch and fights break out a lot.
agility might be fun. i'd love to do that

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