

Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
I just came home from an interview for an agency (temp) post, to find I have been offered an interview for a permanent job in the same authority in a different team (I sent the application the other week).

I was JUST telling my other half that I don't think I could leave my post for a possible 3 month contract etc etc, and voila, I has a proper interview lined up :D

It's slightly different team from what I am in now, holding a caseload of looked after children (kids in care). I currently hold everything - low end, child protection and looked after.

In my experience though, the looked after kids are often very complex, so imagine would still be interesting.

Fingers crossed.... This would mean I could move to Wales AND GET MY NEW DOGGY!!!!!!! Oh yeah, and live with my other half :p He knows what my priorities are LOL

Pretty please I had an interview today, as I haven't had one in nearly 3 years so gave me an opportunity to warm up!

ps - this job was a bit of a miracle as it was - they let me submit my application after the deadline date, because their online system gave me the wrong date (switched the figures round - ie, 07.03.12 became 03.07.12 - which is 3rd July in the UK - and the deadline was actually 7th March!) They said because it was their error they would let me submit, and I had to complete the application in one night!!

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