Something very terrible has happened. Need support.

Apr 19, 2006
I don't think I exhaled the entire time reading your last post Carrie but it does sound better. I hope that all goes smoothly for Toker and she heals now without any complications. Simba, as horrible as it is to have a leg amputated, and it way to make light of it, but I know so many tripods and a few with only 2 legs who barely seem to notice and only then, right at the start.

Hugs and prayers that both dogs recover fully and quickly and that the kids hearts do too. I know the 'if only's' and 'coulda, shoulda, woulda game all too well and it's just no way to feel...

(((((((hugs))))))) I know this is very hard on you..:(
Feb 12, 2009
Prayers and positive vibes are needed tonight very badly. Today, Tokie, my sons dog (sort of my dog too because she's lived with me for going on three years) was at my son's girlfriends house, about a mile away on the golf course. She also has a big dog....maybe a huskie, shepherd mix or something like that. His name is Simba and he's 9 yrs old and the two are great pals. Andrew brings them up here sometimes to play, but a lot of the time they're at his girlfriends. The road that goes past is a small road and there aren't very many houses, but a few near mansions, some of which are time share things. So there aren't always people living there, but some are for part of the winter. In other words, the road is not busy AT ALL and people normally go very slowly.

Andrew was outside his girlfriend's house today watching the dogs in the yard while they went potty. They aren't the type to run off. They go pee and come back in. Another dog, one of the pals of Simba and Toker was running on the golf course and these the two dogs ran after him. Meanwhile two cars came speeding along the 25 mph limit road at aprox 50 mph and slammed into Toker AND Simba. Simba's leg is %@*#*! In a smallish area the skin is gone, nothing to sew together. The joint is visible and exposed. The ligaments which hold the joint in the socket are gone. Flat out GONE.....abraded completely away. The risk of infection is great. She has no money. Nobody has enough money. She can see a specialist in the next few days. Sometimes they fuse the joint so that it can support the leg but won't bend. A skin graft and all that work could cost thousands of dollars. Amputation may be the only option which still costs about $1,000 or more. This is so heart breaking for Mary. He's settled now with meds and a splint until he sees the vet again tomorrow to check on things.

Toker got hit in the head and spun around. I thought she would for sure have neurological injury but that does not appear to be the case. She does have a broken pelvis in 3 places and abrasions on some of her toes. And if we're lucky, we won't see any signs of internal injuries. She must be watched for the next 40 hours or so to make sure she can pee, eat, drink etc. And to make sure she seems to be feeling better each day. The pelvis is the "good" news because he said it will heel up on its own....nothing needs to be done and in about 3 weeks, he said, you won't even know she had a broken pelvis. So, cross your fingers that she doesn't have any internal injuries. Her back x-ray looked okay but there could still be a problem since not all structures in the back show up on an x-ray. But it appears it's just the pelvis involved.

Sorry for the long post, yet again....but I just wanted to tell all about it. This is crushing those two kids and I know they've learned now, to never trust even that little road. I am so sick about Simba and so worried and saddened about sweet, dear Toker who I am so bonded to. She had such a rotten puppy hood and now has been happy and had such a good life. Please pray that she doesn't have any internal organ injuries and that she will recover. And that Simba will be able to be made comfortable and functional again....that they will somehow find the money to do what's best for him. I'll help them as much as I can, but I can't do thousands upon thousands for poor Simba. Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts in advance.

Oh my that is so sad. It makes me so mad when people speed down little back roads.. It breaks my heart to think about what Toker and Simba are going through. I hope they get well soon! Your in my thoughts and prayers.


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
I feel so terrible for both the owners and you; how scary and stressful. I'm glad that things are looking okay for Toker, and will be sure to keep sending good vibes for Simba and his surgery.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Just got back from picking up Toker a little bit ago. The girls at the vet's loved her, said she was so sweet and let them do anything...not nervous, just pure sweetness. When I squatted down, of course I got a big, wet kiss and her tail was wagging. She has a big bandange thing around her girth and that can come off after 24 hours. She has to be kept from jumping up on the couch or anything but quiet. She is to have water given to her in smaller amounts, but frequently instead of a whole bunch all at once. And of course, her meds. When not supervised, she must wear an Elizabethan collar....not going to be fun I bet. But in 12 days if the sutures hold, she's in the clear. I guess the infection isn't too much of a worry after all, since she's on anti-biotics. Andrew is to watch for any kind of steady drip, drip, drip of blood. A little bit is normal.

But she seems to feel pretty well. But you know dogs, they don't tell all. They just suck it up and deal with it.

Simba has an appointment tomorrow to have his leg amputated. This is such a **** shame. But Mary is really brave and taking it in stride. She's just grateful that he is alive. These two love their dogs sooooooo very much. They're almost what you'd call "nutty." lol. They grovel with them, talk unintelligable baby talk to them and cater to them. (not in a bad behavior problems) But things like...." it time for a coooooookie?" " mean you want to go outside?" To have this happen wasn't on account of not caring about them. It was just a case of being too trusting.

Anyhow, Mary understands that dogs don't think like we do and fret and stew and look into the future about how on earth are we going to cope. How will I ever ski again or drive a car? All the thoughts and sadness we have when something like that happens, I don't think they have. They probably look down when it's first done and say, "Sh!t! That's hard. Hmmm....I better move this leg over a little bit so I can balance better. Okay....I'm getting onto this better." How's that for interpretation? You should see him today. He went out to potty and was truckin' through the snow with that splinted and bandaged leg just sort of hanging and being held out of the way. He's already braving it with that.

So, things are looking up except for the vet bill for each dog. Awful! Arrrrgggggggg! And Mary can't cover hers at all.

I wonder if I could get those SOBs to pay into this. I doubt it. They probably have no money and they probably might shoot me if I confronted least the one SOB. Actually, they should pay the whole thing. Where are the cops when you need them. That was reckless endangerment....could have killed anybody! GRRRRRRR.

Well, thank you again everyone for just being here. I'll let you know how Simba comes along. And hope neither has any complications.
Apr 19, 2006
Awww, sweet Toker. I'm so glad that she's back where she belongs. The kids sound wonderful and I know that while Simba's loss of a leg will be a shock at first, tripods are very charming and so, so special.

I'll be checking for updates and thinking of dear Simba and of course Toker, you and the kids. (((((((hugs))))))) and kisses and cookies for the pooches. They've sure been through a lot together....


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Thank you Colleen. I wish you could meet Toker. She is one special dog. You'd love her. (of course I bet you love just about every dog) But what she went through as a pup (severe abuse) and how she is now....well, it's just amazing. She's a miracle. No one could tell what a mess she was as a youngster. Her behavior is near perfect and she's just full of love and joy and sooooooooo attentive and trainable.

You better believe she'll be getting lots of cookies and kisses for sure! When Tokes came home to Mary's tonight, you should have seen the doggie reunion. Too cute.

Thanks again. The next 12 days will be a bit tense. If she can make it through that, she should be in the clear.

Now for Simba. I'll have to post pictures when I get one of Simba.


New Member
Oct 27, 2008
Greensboro, NC
Just saw this. So glad that they're going to be better. I didn't read the entire thread - did you report it to the police? I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure you'd be able to legally get them to pay for the vet bills. I think. Maybe.

Lots of vibes!!


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
I didn't report it to the useless police (around here). They'd probably say, we have no proof that they were speeding or that the dogs didn't just then run out in front of their car. Also, the guy's wife, a perfectly nice little gal who works at the little store is 7 months pregnent and is losing her baby due to a lack of fluid. So, I don't want to stress her out more. Plus, the guy, not only probably has no money, but he could be dangerous. He sounds very unbalanced from other stories too. So, we're just going to have to do without. And we have so much stress and anxiety already that we don't want to deal with it. It would be nice though, to get him in trouble. Maybe natural justice will run it's course some day. Who knows.

But thank you for the idea and good thoughts.

Here's today's update:

We recently got back from taking Simba to the vet. Later today, he'll have the amputation.

Toker is doing amazingly well so far. She seems to have a little discomfort but doesn't seem to be over-whelmed with pain, is alert, waggy and kissy. The vet said this morning, that these dogs with this kind of surgery usually are in a great deal of pain. He's never seen a dog so tough. He asked if she were throwing up. And no, she's not. He was pleased as punch and amazed too at what a strong girl she is.

He was also amazed at how gentle and tolerant she was...showed no signs of a defensive response ever, didn't fight anything and was just a sweet heart. He smiled when he was talking about her and this guy....I'll have to tell you about him later. But he keeps his emotions under wraps normally. LOL. I use to not even like him very well years ago when I used him because he was so minimally communicative, rather unpersonable and stoic. He's completely different now! 165 degrees. LOL Okay, I guess I don't have to tell you later on. I just did.

Thanks everyone for your good vibes and prayers. I think they're working!


Dec 16, 2004
MOre prayers and healing far sounds like there is good hope.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Thanks Smkie...Well, got back from picking Simba up and even though we thought we were mentally prepared, it was still rather upsetting to see him with his leg gone. He hopped along just fine, went potty and we got him into the back seat of my car. It was very difficult getting him out of the car, even though that is closer to the ground than the back part of the Subaru wagon. He had slid off his bed and we couldn't pull that out with him on it. He growls if you try to man handle him. We did put a muzzle on him just in case. But he wimpered a little when he rolled onto the incision. Finally we just pulled him out by the leash and he did all right once he was out.

In his house he was lying down and wanted to get up and seemed to forget his leg wasn't there and kind of sunk down as he was expecting the other leg to be there to balance him. But right away took up the slack with his good legs. Once he's up, he does quite well. I expect he'll get better and better at it.

Toker's bandage came off today and her incision looks clean. She doesn't seem to be in a great deal of pain...just a little subdued, but still wags and licks and seems in pretty good spirits. So, hopefully over the next 12 days or so, as long as everything holds together, they should miraculously recover.

I thank you all for putting your thoughts and prayers out to the dogs. It is so appreciated. I know Andrew and Mary will get on here and post something when they come over or if Mary can get her Internet working. They are very grateful too. It really was an awful couple of injuries that could easily have ended their happy lives. So, it's a miracle that they recovered from this. I guess one can look at it two ways....looking back and thinking how it shouldn't have happened (and it shouldn't have) or looking forward and being thankful that they made it through and they're going to be all right and happy again.


Blow. Me. Away.
Apr 28, 2008
Washington State
Glad to hear they are here with us. It's going to be a tough transition and there are going to be some changes, but I'm glad they are doing well!
Apr 19, 2006
I'm so happy to hear that Toker is doing well and healing quickly, she sounds like an amazing girl. It must have been a shock to see Simba without one of his legs...:(, no matter how well they seem to do, it's always a hard pill to swallow.
I hope that he continues to do well. I know that the shock will soon be replaced with pride and amazement for how resillient he'll prove to be.

Those dogs are both lucky to be surrounded with such love and wonderful care. I'm just so glad that you're all now on the other side of this very frightening accident.

Smootches for both pooches from me! (((((((hugs)))))))


Active Member
Jun 2, 2006
I'm so glad to see a positive update. It sounds like both dogs are hopefully on their way to being themselves again. One of my old, favorite house-sitting clients was a 3-legged whippet mix who still easily lapped every other dogs when they were running around the yard.

Give both Simba and Toker an extra kiss from us.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
A-w-w-w thanks Doc and BB.Yes, it is a hard pill to swallow but these animals are so amazing. When we make a fuss over Simba, he just wags his tail like always, doesn't look all gloomy or depressed like we would, doesn't give up and flop down in despair. Even though it's not hard for dogs to be like this since that's just they are, it is still amazing to me anyhow. And yes, we all have every reason to believe he'll adapt more and more and moving around will become second nature. He already was really moving well with the splinted, bandaged leg. He did set it down carefully sometimes which gave him a little balance or support. But really wasn't using it otherwise. So, he's going to be okay.

BB...that whipet sounds absolutely amazing!

Of course, I'm still a little worried about Toker if those sutures break open or any complication arises. But so far, she's doing well.

Thank you for your encouraging words. That really makes a difference.


Tweleve Enthusiest
Sep 19, 2007
So sorry this happened...So sorry I didn't see this thread sooner ~ with moving and all, I didn't have much internet access...

I am very glad to hear that they are improving and I'm sending vibes for continued recoveries. Dogs do adapt amazingly well to having 3 legs ~ and even 2 legs.

(((((((((((((((hugs to all))))))))))))))))


Nov 28, 2004
So glad that they are home !!! Bless their hearts !!! I've know several tripods and they've done very well .


Active Member
Dec 31, 2004
western Wa
Thank you CP and Grammy. CP, don't worry about not seeing this before. You can't be expected to do everything. LOL. It sounds like you're very, very busy. Thank you for your reply though and all the good healing vibes and condolences.

Grammy....yes, I've noticed that. There's a tripod just down at the little store...the owner's dog she adopted about a little over a year ago or actually more I think....have lost track of time. I helped her teach the dog some manners and obedience and she just zips along no problem and goes for fairly long walks every day. Thank you for reiterating that because it's always good to hear it again.

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