So Strange...


New Member
Mar 12, 2008
I'm not sure if any of you would have any ideas, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask!

Yesterday my little Oliver was suddenly not okay. I don't know what was wrong with him. He was walking slowly with his ears slicked back, his head, tail and belly "down", he wouldn't eat, not even treats, he took a sip of water, but otherwise wouldn't drink, he couldn't jump up on my lap or even the couch, and he was crying a little bit. He just was not himself. So I called the vet, and I told them what was going on. I told them I didn't think he ate anything he shouldn't have, and I didn't think he got hurt, I just didn't know what was going on. So they said to bring him in right away.

The vet examined him, and she said his exam was normal. She couldn't find anything wrong. His temperature was a bit higher than normal (103.7). He didn't have any tender points where he may have been in pain. He was fine, so far as she could tell. She checked his anal glands, and she said they were kind of full so she depressed them. (I had no clue. he hadn't been scooting his butt on the floor, and he'd been pooping okay, he didn't stink, either). She said if he wouldn't drink any water, if he seemed to be getting worse instead of better, or if I noticed anything out of the ordinary to call and I could take him back in right away. Otherwise it was okay if he didn't really want to eat for a few days, to offer him small amounts of food but not to push it on him, and that it may take a couple days until he was himself again. I don't know what medication the pain shot actually was, but he ended up sleeping the rest of the day and all night long. I checked him often, too, cause I was so worried for my little guy.

Today he woke up and he was fine! It was like nothing happened and he's right back to his normal self. Thank goodness!!! I just can't imagine what the heck was wrong. It made me wonder if other dogs sometimes get this "mysterious" thing happening to them?

The only thing I can think of that might have been the problem, is he jumped down off of a bed that was pretty high up for such a little guy. He didn't fall or cry when he jumped down, but it wasn't until after he did that when I noticed he was not himself. I had taken him with me to a house I go to where I help a lady and her husband. (I do different things for them. I clean the house, do the laundry, help with the dog(s), etc.) Right now they only have one dog, a miniature schnauzer. They had a giant schnauzer as well, but the poor guy had bone cancer and passed away last Thursday. :( The little one has always been around the big guy, and she's been looking for him around the house and stuff. So I've been checking on her to make sure she's okay, and I've been taking little Oliver over so she has some company and a little buddy to play with. Anyway, I know they don't have stuff around the house that the dogs could get into, so I really don't think he could have eaten anything there. I'm just confused as to what could have caused my little guy so much misery.

Could he have pulled a muscle or something jumping off the bed? (perhaps that the vet couldn't detect?) Could his anal glands have caused him to be that way? And if so, why so suddenly? Can dogs get "the flu" or other viruses that would do this?

Do you guys know of things I could learn to watch for that would indicate an emergency with my little guy, or that would indicate there is a problem? They aren't like humans where they can talk and tell you what's wrong. I get in a panic if I see him behave differently even for a second! I told the vet before to forgive me if I seem like a crazy person for calling them and bringing my little buddy in every time he behaves the slightest bit differently, but I can't help it! He's my best friend and I would not be okay if something happened to him. He's counting on me to keep him safe and healthy and to help him if anything is wrong. I take that responsibility very seriously. Anyway, I wish there was a book out there that I could get describing all the different things that can happen to dogs and what to do, when to seek treatment, etc. Is there one?

Thanks for any feedback on this. It's just strange that he was so "sick" yet the vet found nothing wrong with him. :confused:

Jan 27, 2008
Glad your dog is feeling better! There's a good book called "Taking Care of Your Dog" by Sheldon Gerstenfeld, VMD that discusses symptoms, home care that may be required and how to assess whether your dog needs to be seen by the vet. It's an old book, so may be somewhat out of date as far as current treatments go, but for info about which symptoms warrant a trip to the vet, I think it's pretty good.

Not sure if it's still in print, but you should be able to buy a used one on Amazon, at least.

Sounds to me like your dog may have pulled a muscle or something when he jumped... or he may have just been feeling yucky. I have days when I feel crummy for no apparent reason and I'm sure if I went to the Dr., they'd say nothing was wrong. I imagine the same thing can happen with dogs! :)


Nov 28, 2004
At least you vetted and I'm glad nothing was found . It's better to be safe than sorry . I'd say with a low temp , he just had a little something going on .


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Is he limping or favoring one leg? If he did pull a tendon, I would prevent him from jumping up on the bed for a week or so in order for it to heal.

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