So HOW many of us actually own Mazdas?


New Member
Nov 15, 2008
I have a Mazda 2 - new car, have had it for six months.

I just wanted a small car at the time. My beloved 96 Toyota Corolla blew up on the highway.

I really like it, it's a nice car to drive. I found it the best by far of the small car I tested out.

The only thing is now, that while a small car suits me in a lot of ways, I've become an avid camper and traveler and I'd love to learn to 4wd. I will have to get something a bit bigger next time (although theoretically I'd rather run a car into the ground before getting a new one again).

The Toyota stayed in the family and was given a new engine etc. It's not a big secret that I would sell the Mazda and buy the Toyota back. It's nothing special, but I really loved that car!

There are a lot of plus sides to having a new car though. I do a LOT of miles every year and it's just nice to feel confident that you are going to get from A to B without too many hassles. Being stranded on the highway with the dogs was not the most fun experience of my life lol. And I'd rather stack my odds in my favour.

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