Sneezy, runny nose, antibotics aren't helping.


New Member
Nov 8, 2006
I know this should go in Health, but fewer people seem to respond there. Our new pomeranian, which we adopted from an animal shelter a week ago, was diagonosed with an upper respiratory infection on Friday from the vet. We were given 7 days worth of Clavamox to be given twice a day. They vet said the infection wasn't too bad on Friday and wasn't "deep in his lungs". Before seeing the vet, he wasn't eating much at all and seemed content to just lay around. He had been vomiting also.

However, it's been several days and there doesn't seem to be much improvement as far as the sneezing and the mucus. He's eating really well now though and seems to feel ok, but whenever he lays down, he leaves a discharge stain with a thick white mucus in it. There's a yellow crust around his nostrils and it's draining quite heavily. He doesn't seem to have labored breathing, but you can hear his breathing if he's close because of the mucus. He seems to be stable, but uncomfortable.

We have another appointment in just a few hours to see the vet again. I'm hoping he'll give us another antibotic because the Clavamox doesn't seem to be doing much. Do you think it's pnuemonia? Any ideas?

Forgot to mention, he is up-to-date with all vaccinations. He got a booster shot of DH2PP on Friday because the vet didn't think his illness was bad enough to wait on the vaccine at that time. They mentioned that they usually wait on the vaccines if the dog is very sick and unable to handle them because of illness.

Here's my sick little guy(with his towel and duct tape collar on so he'll leave his neuter incision alone!)
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Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
I would definintely take him back to the vet. The vaccine may have overloaded his system anyway, regardless of what the vet initally thought, and the original problem has now been compounded.

Also, there is another member who is battleing a very virulent strain of URI in her dogs that was introduced by a new shelter dog she brought home. Normal antibiotics just aren't cutting it, so you may have to ask for the big guns to be brought out before the virus adapts to treatment.

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