Sick Tucker is Sad


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006

Poor guy isn't feeling well at all. Monday morning around 3:30am I guess (he sleeps with my parents) he started scratching himself obsessively and rubbing himself on the carpet which woke my mom up. She woke me up. His face was all swollen and he just couldn't stop itching. There were clumps of his fur all over their bed and the floor. We watched him until around 4am then decided to give him some benadryl since it looked like an allergic reaction. Mom stayed up with him the rest of the night, since I had work in the morning, to make sure his airway wasn't affected.

Monday he was still super itchy but the face swelling went down. He had a red rash on his chest and some hives on his butt. We kept giving benadryl every 8 hours. Poor guy was super sleepy but every time he started to fall asleep he'd have to get up and itch. He scratched and licked all night.

Yesterday he was still itchy so we called the vet. They said to keep doing what we were doing with the benadryl but to call if he started vomiting or had diarrhea or if he wasn't improved at all by the next day. About an hour later he had runny stool in the kitchen and vomited a few times. So we called back and made an appointment for today. He ate dinner fine last night and the itching was much better today, though not gone. He still has red patches in various areas of his body. Every day it seems a different area is the most itchy.

Tucker slept with me last night because my mom hasn't had a good night's sleep in two days, his itching keeps her up. I woke up around 5 am to pee and he got out of bed too. He had runny stool on the stairs leading down from the bedroom and then in the kitchen while I was in the bathroom (so like a 1 minute time span). I took him out but he didn't poop any more. We went to the vet this morning. She still thinks it's an allergic reaction, either to a bug bite or to pollen/mold, I guess seasonal dog allergies have been very bad so far this fall, as have bees. She didn't want to give us a steroid injection if she didn't have to, especially since his tummy is already acting up and since his itching is continually improving. So she gave us a bottle of Apoquel which is supposed to be like magic when it comes to itchy dogs and has very few side effects. She also told us to give him rice and chicken until his stools firmed up.

We came home, fed him rice and chicken for breakfast and gave him an Apoquel pill. This was around noon. Then around 5pm he barfed all that up. He threw up again around an hour later, just yellow bile (though it was not the normal shade of yellow I usually see, and I've seen my fair share of dog vomit). Now he's hiding under the coffee table (where he has spent the majority of his time the last two days) while his stomach makes very angry noises.

He's just so miserable and tired but can't sleep for more than a few minutes. We have never dealt with allergies before and really wish we knew what caused it in the first place. I feel so bad for the little man, he didn't even bark when UPS drove by. Tucker could use some get well soon vibes :(


Mutts to you
Mar 27, 2006
Poor boy! Sending lots of vibes his itchies and everything else goes away.


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
Thanks guys. His itching is much better but he is acting very lethargic. He has refused food since he threw up yesterday, my brother even tossed some of his calzone on the floor last night to try and get him to come out from under the coffee table (so I could take him out to potty) and he wasn't interested. All he wants to do is sleep. I really hope it's not something more serious. Our main concern was that he may have eaten a pill of some sort (we're practically a pharmacy) but the vet didn't seem to think that would cause his symptoms.

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