Question about family sharing photos on FB


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
So, I'm not super strict or uncomfortable with pics of my kid online. I put many on Instagram, some on FB...I'm pretty sure BFs Insta is public and I don't care that he posts pics, my mom takes pics and puts them up, whatever. I'm sure I've posted a few on here although it's not something I do regularly, they're on her school website and my mommy and me website (members only), whatever.

My aunt, who is really weird in her FB activity to begin with, recently took and shared a picture of lillian. She posted it in her photos and posted it individually to EVERY member of my extended family's wall, so that I (and everyone else) saw the picture 11 times in a row on our news feeds, but whatever. I'd rather her entire HS graduating class and 60 coworkers see pictures of my kid but it's infrequent and not a big deal enough that I'd say anything.

Now, my way-extended family (AKA people I have literally never met nor spoken to and are generations removed) are "sharing" pictures of my daughter (like portrait-style face photos, not like a family group photo she's in) of my daughter. So all their weirdo in laws and very possibly people they don't even know can see them right in their news feed?

1. Is this remotely normal?!? I'd be hesitant to do this with my niece or godchild so why are multiple people in my extended family acting like this is a normal thing to do with their great great great niece or second cousin twice removed and no longer even related due to divorce?!?!!

2. What do I do?!? I don't want to tell my closer family they can't share/post pics of her but I also don't want to be message people I literally don't even know to tell them to stop posting pics of my kid. I can ask my aunts to remove the option to share or make them private but that's a last option because they are crazy and will turn this into a 8 month long family battle
Jun 5, 2006
Her settings will dictate who can see it.

Friends, Friends of Friends (they hid that one but its still there) or public.

I can post something friends, a friend can share it, but only people I'm friends with too can see it.

On the non technical side, ask/bribe/beg for them to be uploaded friends only.

Edit: They could save it, and reupload it, but only strange family does that.... :rolleyes: That one does not help much...

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