Puppy Problems...

Dec 12, 2006
I had posted this in the general forum before I saw the puppy one, I got little response so here we go again...

I have a 10 month old mini dachshund, Dallas. He's fairly well behaved up until the past month. He was doing really well with being housetrain, only having accidents like once every 10 days or so. He was just starting to get over his separation anxiety; everything seemed to be going smoothly. Then all the sudden he just stopped behaving. He no longer "asks" to go outside, when I take him out we'll be out there for 30 minutes of him constantly pulling and whining without anything pee or poop. I finally get frustrated and take him back inside and watch him like a hawk, as soon as he starts pacing and sniffing back outside and the same thing happens. Now he's peeing and pooping at least once a day in the house.

My other problem is his barking, I know dachshunds are very vocal dogs and he had his moments in the past but now he's out of control. He barks at EVERYTHING. A tree, a plant, a leaf, a bag blowing in the wind, the slightest noise, the cat who he loves to play with, anything will set him off.

Also he's always been a very friendly dog, he loved people and ran up to anyone who he thought might pet him, now he's barking and growling at them. There's a lonely old war veteran that lives behind me and he loves Dallas and is always telling me about his dachshund he use to have. He wants nothing more to pet him and Dallas just growls and growls and barks. I'm beginning to wonder if his eye sight is bad or something, it seems to be the worse at night.

My patience is start to grow very thin with him...I was never able to take him to puppy class because I couldn't find any that worked with my school schedule but I have read several books and articles on training. Everything was going until now. It's like he forgot everything. Why the sudden change in behavior? Could it be medical, or he is just being a brat dog?


New Member
May 16, 2006
East Central Illinois
Each time your dog has an accident, it hurts his house training. He still isn't quite sure if he is allowed to go to the bathroom in the house or not.

Start at square one with crate training. Treat him like an 8 week old puppy until he is completely reliable. That means that he can't be unsupervised at all. Each time he has an accident, rub your own nose in it because it is your fault! (PM RedyreRottweilers for her guide to house training)

Keep him outside on leash until he goes to the bathroom. Don't just stand there, but walk quickly. Walking/exercise stimulates the bowels of most dogs so that will probably work for you.

As for the growling, you really need to socialize your dog more. Get into a class. (Petsmart classes aren't always of the highest caliber, so look around.) The sooner you do this, the more you will prevent problem behaviors so get on your horse. Your dog doesn't need training from a book, he needs proper socialization. Make time (lots of classes are in the evening) and take a class if you want to improve his behavior. (No excuses!)

Your dog isn't being a brat. You just haven't taken the time to properly house train, socialize, or teach your dog basic manners. Sorry, you can't expect your dog to be well behaved if you aren't going to take the initiative to train him properly.

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