Pregnancy update


New Member
Mar 5, 2006
Well I had a routine ultrasound today. Baby looked great! She measured right on schedule and weighs approximately 4lb 2oz. She had her hands and her cord in front of her face, so we didn't get to see her face too well, but she is certainly very active. I can see her feet kick me and move across my belly!

Anyways, I had mentioned that I had been having contractions everyday, so they decided to put me on the monitors. Sure enough I was having contractions on the monitor, that apparently got worse the longer I was on the monitor. So then they took me back to do the FFN swab test and a vaginal ultrasound to check my cervix. Good thing is my cervix is long and closed, they said 6cm which is great because 4 is normal.

So they then decided to give me a shot to stop the contractions that I was having and put me back on the monitors. And they called me in a prescription for procardia, and I have to go back for another NST on Wednesday.

I go to a high risk OBs office for ultrasounds, so this all came from him (not my normal OB), so I have a regular OB appt tomorrow with my regular OB, and find out what she says about everything.

So anyways, I feel like I will be spending all of this week in doctors offices!

Good thing is I have my baby shower to look forward to this weekend!

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