Please sign the petition. Dublin Accomodation Dog Ban


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
This may or may not have been posted already. I know the subject has been brought up.

Dublin City Council has recently banned 11 breeds of dog (including Rottweilers, Bull Terriers and German Shepherds) from all their properties, including houses, flats and estates. Existing tenants are being given a chance to rehome their animals, but if alternative accommodation can't be found, then the dogs will be destroyed. It also seems likely that these breeds will be banned from public parks - which means dog owners living in private accommodation will also be affected.

A petition to reverse the decision has been organised by Irish lobbying group ANVIL (Animals Need a Voice in Legislation). So please sign the petition today by clicking this petition link

and please pass this email onto everyone you know who cares about dogs.

As we all know, it's a small minority of irresponsible owners that give breeds a bad name - to punish an entire breed and all its owners is simply ridiculous. We are urging Dublin City Council to punish "deeds not breeds."

Whilst you may not live in Ireland, breed-specific legislation is becoming more commonplace all over the world, so please help us to send a signal to legislators everywhere that dog lovers will unite to oppose ill-informed, cruel laws which punish innocent dogs and their owners.

On behalf of everyone at ANVIL and Dogs Trust, thank you for your invaluable support.

Your friends at Dogs Trust.

Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare charity. Visit us at


Sit! Good dog.
Sep 14, 2005
Also some more info :)

For those of you who don't mind spending a few mins writing a brief email arguing against the ban PLEASE do so and send to the following addresses for relevant ministers and all the Dublin Councillors:

'Councillor Kevin Humphreys,

[email protected]

John Gormley - Minister of the Environment who's got the ultimate responsibility, Email:

[email protected]

[email protected]

'Dublin City Councilors:

[email protected]

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Taken from

For those of you who doubt how useful this is, I have tonight received a reply in response to my email from one councillor, Ray Corcoran, who OPPOSES the ban and will voice the concerns expressed in my email at the next meeting. Lets give Ray Corcoran more amunition - if ALL these people are made aware of our anger and upset at the ban by the 3000+ people who have signed the petition then perhaps something positive can be achieved.


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
Warwick, New York, USA
If you do write, be sure to use the proper openings, closings, and honorifics.

Be extremely careful not to sound angry and be sure to state if you're an American of Irish descent. The Irish government recognizes a special relationship with Irish Americans and values it (tourist dollars). Do NOT sound indignant, rude, or address anything other than concerned for the welfare of the animals and the people living in the housing estates. These housing estates are the ghettos of Dublin and they are as tough as ghettos here if a lot less slummy. No member of any country likes people of another country butting into their affairs and, these days, Americans butting in are particularly unwelcome.

Remember, be on your best behavior, go over what you write to make sure it is grammatically correct, polite, and to the point. Think along the lines of, "As an American of Irish ancestry, I am always interested in the welfare of the people of Ireland...." Keep politics OUT of it, give them facts and figures with sources! and never threaten not to visit Dublin or Ireland or make any other ultimatums. That's a great way to harm exactly what you're trying to achieve. If you are a professional dog trainer or breeder, psychologist, or other person with expert knowledge, it is helpful to state your qualifications but please do not talk down to anyone.

The Irish appreciate wit, politeness, and felicity of phrase. They respect education and people who express themselves well. They have very sensitive BS detectors and will bristle at any hint of arrogance or threat. Don't beg, but don't demand either. Getting involved in the politics of a foreign nation is tricky and frequently backfires. One need only look at current events to get an idea of how easy it is for good intentions to be mistaken for something else.

Read the text of the ban so you know what you're talking about.

I suggest NOT writing The Lord Mayor of Dublin as his is not a political office. But if you decide to write to the Lord Mayor of Dublin, be sure to address him as the following:

The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor of Dublin Councillor Paddy Bourke

[that is his name, yes he is also a Councillor, and do use that exact spelling and yes with, "the" used twice]

The salutation should be: My Lord Mayor: and after that address him as the same, for example, "I hope you will agree, My Lord Mayor, that this legislation is clearly..."

Close as you normally would, "Very truly yours," Remember that Dublin is in the Republic of Ireland. The Lord Mayor is not an appointee of the British monarch. The position, however, still retains the forms of address and honorifics as if it still was.

Address the Councillors as, "Dear Councillor XYZ:" and thereafter as, "Councillor XYZ." Be sure to say, "please," and, "thank you," and close with, "Very truly yours." This is a formal letter from the citizen of one country to an elected representative of another country. You do yourself and your country much favor by practicing best etiquette in such a delicate situation.

Pull out your dictionary, pull out your best letter writing practices, and be thoughtful. You can make a difference. You may not be a voter, but just the fact that they are receiving mail from the US will send a message in itself.

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