Newbie from Finland



I have 2 tiny dogs, a bolognese Paddy 1yr8months and a tibetan spaniel Pepe 1yr2months. I really don`t know what to tell you. Umm...

I`m 26years old, live in Finland and was born in the usa. Paddy`s my very first pet ever and my first `true` love :) He scares easily and is a bit timid with new stuff. He`s really clever and knows how to make me jump :rolleyes:... Pepe is simply wonderfull. He gets all hyped up around people (especially kids) or animals -he loves everything. He`s adventurous and doesn`t scare easily. He`s loves to love. He loves getting attention and being hugged etc.

Well, suppose that`s that for now. Ask me!

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