My Sled Dog


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
I'll try to keep this short, when I'm talking about my baby I tend to rattle off...
I got Maddie when she was 8wks old, and a little while later I enrolled her in Puppy Classes at Pets Mart. It was great socialization and training, Maddie caught on so fast. She's very smart, sometimes too smart for her own good, but if I teach her something in a way that she understands it won't take long. I taught her how to sit in like 5mins, and she's done it consistently ever since.
Okay, enough bragging. From her fourth puppy class on it became apparent that Maddie was a bad puller. With or without the leash she went were ever she wanted, dragging me behind. The trained noted this and gave me some side pointers, some extra help. Well, when she was a puppy it wasn't that big of a deal. The vet said it was something she would "grow out of" (yea right) and the trainer had my try the technique where if the dog starts to pull you stop completely, wait for her to pay attention to you and try again. This did not work, the trainer thought I was doing something wrong and tried it herself. It still did not work.
This seemed like a very little problem to me, because I didn't much care. She was well behaved, learned to go outside quickly -- perfect. Then she was full grown and we went to basic class to follow up her puppy. Basic class was a lot less socially fun, but a great learning experience. The trainer cracked down and said no more walking until she walked good (Maddie was by far her best student - truly a teachers pet ;) but she had this one fault that drove the trainer crazy)
I ended up with a fat dog who still couldn't walk on a leash.
Then the trainer had me try a version where I lead Maddie in a circle around me each time she dashed ahead. It worked, sort of, she was no longer pulling me down the street but circling me like crazy and whining in frustration the whole time. I dropped that idea quickly, (within a couple weeks really) but to this day (she's three now) she'll start up some circles that makes her seem neurotic and me a dog ruiner :(
Next her trainer suggested choke chain, prong collar, shock collar. All my red flags went up. Prong collar on my baby?! No Way!
Now if its important for her to heel I use a head halter -- which people unfortunately mistake for a muzzle (don't you think that be a poor restraint?) and other times I just let her drag me. After all, its only half a block, if that, to the park where I let her run off leash :rolleyes:
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Oh, Brattina, I know just what you're talking about! When I was three my parents got me what they were told was a Toy Fox Terrier (looking back, I think she was really a Jack Russell). Mickey NEVER walked on her leash without pulling - all her 16 years. She dragged me around, she dragged my Mom around, she dragged my Dad around, and later on she dragged my sister around.

Later, when we added the German Shepherd, she refused to let him be ahead of her when I took them out on the leash, Mickey would strain and pull, making sure she was in the lead. Purdue, the Shepherd, thought he should be leading, but Mickey's leash was longer (it was just possible to keep them untangled by putting the low dog on the long lead and using a short city lead for the big dog) and Mickey was far more stubborn. Purdue finally got the last laugh, though; Mickey walked in front, but if you looked, Purdue was always holding her leash in his mouth!

Some dogs just will not walk calmly by your side and there's nothing you can do about it. You might just as well be happy that they have so much joy in life and are so eager to meet whatever's ahead.


Active Member
Jan 10, 2004
Exactly! Maddie has to be in the lead, if she's not she pulls and runs like crazy, choking herself. Usually when I'm walking my brother helps out and walks Roxy, and were so used to it I just naturally walk a couple paces ahead of them both. I'm so used to it I don't really notice or care, until somebody asks "whos walking who" as we walk by. :p
(when I'm fostering, because we have numerous dogs, I walk them one or two at a time, tops, so they get the individual attention they want :rolleyes: )
I consider myself lucky, though, besides the pulling Maddie is the worlds greatest dog (don't we all say that?) :D

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