My creepy night....BAD DREAM?


Ruled by a RED boy!
May 21, 2006
Massachusetts, Boston
So last night I was watching Criminal minds season premiere and I was very disturb by it. Plus, I watched the news last night to.........Anyways, I must have dozed off and woke up to what I thought was someone trying to break into my bedroom window :yikes: I heard all kinds of racket and jumped up out of my bed to investigate. I started feeling around the window and was scared to look out of it. It was only 10:00 pm so I came out to check on Caiza and he came running out of his crate with his tail tucked between his legs barking and growling :confused: At that point I thought someone was in my house or trying to come in my front door! He ran over to the door that I keep closed going into my kitchen and turned around and growled while I was standing in my hallway to my bedroom. I was horrified! I kept thinking I was dreaming but I was awake. I called Caiza to me and he immediately came and whined to me. I was scared to even take him outside for one more pee but I knew I had to. Guys, I swear I am not crazy and this is the first time anything like this ever happened to me :eek: It was like I was dreaming but I was awake and jumped to my feet out of bed! I know you can have night terrors but I thought that was for young children? When I thought someone was breaking into my home my heart was pounding in my chest and I started to sweat, I was totally freaked and I scared the bejesus out of Caiza to! I really need to stop watching these CSI/ crime scene type movies and shows because they are starting to mess with my mind :lol-sign: Anyone ever have dreams like this before? Please share...............


New Member
Jan 31, 2007
I can watch any of that stuff with no problems. And I love vampire movies (I know strange) but if I watch war movies (like "Finding Private Ryan" was on the other night) I'm a basket case. Bad dreams all night. If I wake up startled then I can't go back to sleep. Hear every little noise in the house. War movies really mess me up.

Angel Chicken

Red, ANYONE can be subject to night terrors.

However, I don't think yours was a night terror. It was just a scary dream, probably brought on by that show you watched ;)

I had a dream while back that I'll remember forever. It was truly a horrific dream for me.

I was at Rob's (my S.O.) mother's home, and the boys and I were getting ready to go to the park. I take my boys' hands to get ready to cross the street. As we are getting ready to cross, a car comes. Matthew (the oldest) and I step back from the curb. Johnny did not. He was hit by this car, which was going only about 30 mph.

The person in the car got scared and drove away, leaving my boy there to die. I run over to him, and see that there is no possibly way he can be alive. There is blood everywhere and his head is caved in on one side. All I could do was say "Don't move him, don't touch him. Johnny, can you hear me? SOMEONE HELP!". Of course I'm in hysterical fit.

Then, I woke up. This is the most terrifying dream I have ever had. Truly scary. I woke up crying for goodness sakes. I'm in tears right now just remembering it.


Mr Poopy
Aug 20, 2007
Wow Angel, that's got to be the scariest dream of all time.

Red: I've been awakened by dreams like that. Usually though I get woken up because both the cat and dog are staring (from the bed of course) down the hallway with hackles up and both growling. Never found an explanation for that though.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
Who knows, it kind of does in a way sound like a night terror. I used to have them a lot when I was between 8 and 10. (At least once a week.) It only happens occasionally now. BUT it is possible that you thought you were awake, but really weren't.
I slept over a friends house two weeks ago. Now you should know that her mother died on May 28th, and she didn't have a GREAT relationship with her. Her mom had had her own room and such and my friend said someone could sleep in there. Now, none of us wanted to sleep in that room, not even with someone else with them (but we didn't tell her) So my friend and I asked if it was OK to take out the mattress and move it into the other room. I ended up having to sleep on that bed, and couldn't really fall asleep at all. I was freaked to move in anyway, I think I imagined there to be some kind of hair or something or other near my feet, so I didn't want to move. Anyways once I did fall asleep, I thought I woke up or something, I thought that a friend and I were talking about some kind of papers in the middle of the night, and that I went to bed after. Well I dreamt that I woke up and saw her mother going threw those papers and was SOO confused why my friend didn't actually wake up, because in reality I had just woken up in the middle of my dream.

Sorry if I hijacked your thread... but thats my experience with dreams like that.

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