More Onyx


Dec 16, 2004
Today i saw logan running toward my house with Bronki's leash so i went out to get her, unfortunatley Aaron opened the door and Mary ran out..hackles but no action so i got mary to the car (just a few feet away ) and opened the door just enough for her to get in..if Onyx was mean she would have taken that moment but she didn't. I shut the door so she went down to "read" the post under my mailbox. While she was distracted I took Mary inside..then started the car and opened the door for Onyx..

I forgot it was Sunday and Man of the house was home. Logan told me that if the pound picks her up one more time she is toast so this time as a reward for not eating mary..and because Logan knew i had her and i thought he went back to tell them..i took her for a few blocks ride and a klondike bar. Then i took her home.
Man of the house came out with leash and tried to tell me it was because i give her treats and car rides is why she keeps getting out..and i said.." i don't deserve that and that he had hurt my feelings..actually made me choke up a little so i said " i hope in the future when people don't treat you remember this..cause that was out of line." I told him if that ws the true way he felt then he needed to decide right now what he wants me to do next time she is out..I am watching her and she is making love eyes at her daddy and has rolled over for a tummy rub..i can tell he really does love this dog..but he is only home one or two days a week..and usually nobody knows she's out ..or they are not coming one way or the other. He hesitated which was a good thing. I told him about the chasing and biting my car..i told him about falling into my living room..i told him that this time i just felt sorry for her because i really did think the pound car had her last time when it went by..i said i love your dog..i don't know why but i do. I do not want to see her decide. He defused and that was good so that is where we are at.

I told him i am an artist that draws mostly dogs for a living..that seemed to change his outlook of me..i said i don't just sit in front of my window watching for your dog..that i sit in front of the window to work for the light..and i have a great view of her as she runs past. I told him i give her a reward for coming to me becuase if i don't and i just drag her home..she will stop coming to me. I told him i carried her home that day. If i wanted to harm them..would i do this? He thanked me ...and onyx did not get out for the rest of the day. I was able to work in my front yard and Victor plus Mary were out all day as well (off leash) . What can't be cured must be....endured in a fuzzy bunny world.


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Smkie, glad you were able to have a good conversation with him. Sometimes people act without thinking and getting all the facts. With all that you do to help dogs, I'd be happy to find my dog at your home & safe.
Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
And there is no telling what his wife has told him. She's probably trying to make you out to be a real trouble-making witch in case you rat her out over her workday tryst you caught!


Dec 16, 2004
you should have seen the way that dog looked at him...she loves him that much is obvious..and he is the same for her...i just wish he was with her more and this whole problem would probably not exist. It would help tremendously if they had a fence. Even invisible one..they could have put that in for what one pound trip cost.

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