Microchip Question



not positive but I think so. ask your vet, they will know for sure, and if they dont they can scan it and find out.


New Member
Jul 7, 2005
I know that Banfield was stating to use/implant microchips and they were similar to what is found in other countries (such as Europe) but the readers in the US were not compatable. They started to put out readers that could read the chip but I guess it didn't go so well b/c the stopped the program. Even the other chip in the US aren't all readable by the scanners that are out there. So if you have a chip and the shelter that finds your dog doesn't have that specific reader the chip is useless. The chips that Banfield was going to use was more comperable/compatable w/ the rest of the world.
It seems like they are more worried about making $ than they are about having all chips and reader the same. It's a great idea but people send so much on them and don't realize that they might not work they way they should. I mean if it is a major shelter you havea better chance or if they a microchipped and found locally. But what if you dog gets out and travels and is found by a small shelter that doesn't have that specific reader....???? Then that $ was wasted and you still have lost your pet.
Sorry this issue just irkes me. They could all be compatable and readable but each company doesn't want to loss $ to another.. so it's our pets that lose.

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