Maybe, Maybe not..????


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
My friend and I were discussing her older Collie which is 13 years old. At age 10 he started taking seizures, he was put on med's but his seizures still came and got stronger and stronger and more frequent even on the higher dosage of Phenobarb.
Anyway, up til about 1 1/2 years ago all her dogs ever ate was Eukanuba. She and I discussed diet, I gave her the link to Mordy's site "The dog food Project". She researched foods and started out on Innova and loved it...but, it started getting costly as she has 4 dogs. She then switched to Holistic Blend, and now she in rotating between Innova, Holistic Blend, Canidae and Nature's Variety.
The wonderful thing is at about the same time she switched to better foods about 5 months later her older Collie started having fewer and less severe seizures....she slowly started weaning him off the Phenobarb and now, he has been seizure free for a few months. She also has him on some specially researched herbs and supplements, and sardines, flax oil, hemp oil etc.

Anyway, we are positive it must be the change in diet + herbs + supplements that have made this drastic difference in the health of this dog. It's quite amazing and we are still holding our breath until we are sure he is out of the woods.

I just thought I'd share this positive experience with others.:)


Jan 9, 2005
that is so nice to hear. :) so many people put down or even ignore the importance of good nutrition, but then that's not a surprise these days where a lot of people live entirely on fast food.


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
so many people put down or even ignore the importance of good nutrition, but then that's not a surprise these days where a lot of people live entirely on fast food.
I know:( It's a very diet ignorant world. I can't believe how many people my age are getting diet related diseases and they are so blind to it and continue eating those awful processed foods.:rolleyes:

We even have Customer's who have dogs with allergies, epilepsy, Thryoid problems, diabetes, allergies etc. They whine and complain and rant and put down their vets for not getting a quick cure...we mention diet. They give us that blank look and say...well I feed him dog food!!! he never gets people food so I'm doing the right thing!". I give them your site to read up on nutrition (we don't have time to really talk to people)...We give them brochures, we ask them to see Bonnie who sells Natura (she has more time to talk as she operates a wine store and sells the food there). They give us a blank look and basically make a point of leaving the info behind and tell us they will not spend that kind of money on.....a dog. They stick with their kibbles and bits and don't understand the problem...they think well I am feeding dog food.

Well, go waste your money on a Vet trying to find a quick cure, buying med's, steriods, pills etc.

It's sad that people want to eat and feed cheap, unhealthy foods...yet, they will spend the money on pills etc. hoping that they can "cure" the dog with a pill. It seems to be the mentality of people. I'm almost afraid to talk about holistic rememdies or homeopathic remedies as people look at me as if I crawled out from under a rock. Some people don't realize that the body is an amazing thing, with the right fuel and vitamins etc. that comes from real food the body can fight off many diseases and get rid of threats before they take over like cancer. Some types of cancer could be avoided with proper diet and organic foods.

The worst thing is, these same people think kraft dinner and spagetti "O"'s are healthy and count chocoula for breakfast or captain crunch. How advertisers decieve people into thinking these are healthy. Scary.

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