Marley got a gopher ...

Sep 3, 2008

Got up early this morning and let Marley out of his crate so he could go out and "go". Let him out the doors at the back, then went toward the kitchen to start the coffee. Suddenly I hear a commotion out back. I run to the back doors and there he is, dancing around doing those little cries that mean "Yay! Score!!" in Marley-speak. He moves out of the way and there's his "score" ... a now motionless gopher.

Quickly grab oh, ... about 12 paper towels, then head out back. Marley's dancing around, happily tossing the dead gopher up in the air, then pushing it with his nose after it falls. Ummm ... no Marley .. playtime's over, it's not gonna get up and run anymore. I distract Marley, pick up the dead gopher (ewww!!) with most of the paper towels, saving a couple towels to wipe any gopher guts off Marley's mouth. Thankfully there's no gopher guts ... just dirt.

Gee, thanks dog. Just what I wanted to do before even that first morning cup of coffee ... get rid of yet another dead gopher. :rolleyes:

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