Lovingdoggies.com - saving stray dogs one at a time


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
I live in a small country somewhere in the Central-Eastern part of Europe: Romania. We have some social problems (after 50 years of Comunist rule and 17 or a missunderstood Capitalism): low wages (150-200 USD a month), a very high level of corruption and tens of thousands of stray dogs.

In my city (with a half million population) we have MANY stray dogs (thousands). Their fate: they starve if no one throws them something to eat, they freeze to death in the winters (we have some very cold ones), breed chaotically and fall victims of human violence.

We have many people who run them over with the cars (just for fun), who hit them just because they don't like seeing them or who poison them. We have some small shelters but they cannot cope with this situation either. No money for a controlled relocation, medication and maybe a future for them. We have a law against animal cruelty, but no one cares about it, so those who maim or kill these poor dogs are left unpunished.

There have been some organizations that tried to help (Brigitte Bardot took care of some of the dogs, we have VierFoten -hope I spelt OK- in the country too). But the truth is that we don't have too many chances to help them.

Every 2-3 years we have a huge scandal: one dog bites someone and we have a lot of media coverage about this. That the stray dogs are a danger, that they should all be killed and so on. This year we had a Japanese being bitten on the leg (the bite touched an artery and the man died). We had an entire circus about this: the dog, Bosquito was TRIED !!! We had a public trial for a dog. Imagine this :eek:

Fortunately the judge had something in his head so the dog was given from adoption.

So, after each of these scandals our beautiful Government realise we need to do something about this. So they just order the dogs to be taken from the streets and kept in shelters. They claim the healthy ones will be put for adoption while the ill ones will be euthanasied.

The truth is far from this: they take some of the dogs from the streets. They kill them with no anestesia. We had some TV stations discover that the money for the anestetics were used for other things (mainly for some executives to buy a new villa or a car) and the dogs were slaughtered. Some were killed by being beaten to death, other were put in big trash bins and burnt alive. We had some horror images at some TV stations showing us how our leaders understand to solve this problem.

What do I want from all this?

I love dogs. I live in a small apartment at the second floor and 7 years ago I made the huge step of getting a dog from the streets. For me this is a serious effort since I am not earning that much so feeding him and keeping him healthy costs me quite some money. But I don't regret this and I am willing to do even more for him.

We also have a stray one in the street (at the block) and we have built him a shelter and we also feed him and give him medication when needed. I buy food for some other dogs, but I cannot do too much alone.

Since I don't have the money I would need to help even more dogs I try to do something I can: design a site and try to gather people into this effort. I have been designing sites for 4 years now so I put my skills into creating sites and running forums into this project.

It will be a "normal" community for dog lovers (Romanian and international), but everything I will earn as revenue will be used to get more food and medication for the dogs. We have a small shelter in my city and they could surely use more food for the dogs.

Right now I started from ZERO. I have one friend who's with me and both of us try to achieve the impossible: do something to save the stray dogs. I am pretty aware of the fact I cannot do wonders. I am alone right now, but I can put all the efforts into this project. Little by little it will grow and we'll be able to raise more money through ads and help more dogs. It's not an overnight project, but it's what I can do to help others realise that we have innocent animals dying in the streets because many of us are too poor or lazy to do something.

I am doing something. Even if I can feed just 1 more dog from this or save him I think I have done something. And maybe others might get the idea and help me. If I am alone I can help 2 doggies. My own and that one in the street. If were many we might save some more.

The site I am talking about is: Loving Doggies

The English community is here.

Please offer me some feed-back, ideas to improve the project, tips of how to make it better known, who to contact. It's my first project of this size and right now I'm a bit scared of what lays in front of me.

Thank you for letting me tell you my story :)


New Member
Aug 3, 2006
I have made a serious redesign for the Loving Doggies project.

I would also like to exchange links with other dog forums or sites. Please let me know if you are interested. Thank you.

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