Lensbaby love


Vizsla mom
Jan 22, 2013
Cape Breton
Since I was asked to show some photos of what the little lens does ..I am still learning and these are FAR from anything worth bragging about! Not to mention a lot are taken indoors so I had to crank the ISO& pretend I had good light. Don't judge.

Just taking a pretty little headshot of my pretty little Vizsla.. not sure if I ever posted this?

Reddog by yjessome, on Flickr

My boyfriend's nephew& Penny ..you'll start to notice the common trend of ISO noise here and how I totally cannot be bothered to clean it up. My bad!

PennGrad1 by yjessome, on Flickr

We attempted some outdoor snapshots specifically for this thread but it was -28 with the windchill so we abandoned the idea almost as soon as we stepped outside.

SOCOLD by yjessome, on Flickr

This is seductive Penny.. shirt hanging open, showing off her white spot with her eyes looking away. If I ever need to pimp her out, I'll probably use this photo.

PurplePenn2 by yjessome, on Flickr

Immediately following agility& Briar playdate this AM, she curled up on MY SPOT on the couch and is still asleep there. She thinks she owns this joint. She may be correct.

Sleepy by yjessome, on Flickr

Ski hill.. if you look really closely, you'll see how much extra fat Penny has around her neck. I'm not exactly sure how that turned out that way, but it cracks me up whenever I look at it!

SkiHill by yjessome, on Flickr

And this one from the last thread just to prove that sometimes I can manage to get the darn dog in focus.

Lookaway by yjessome, on Flickr


New Member
Sep 20, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
Beautiful! Seductive Penn made me giggle.

And I'm sorry... Your 19 month old Viszla passed out after agility and a play date but my 18 month old greyhound thinks that is a warm up. WTH? My dog missed the memo on being a couch potato. :( I was about ready to strangle her yesterday following agility, hike, and dog park. Want to trade? They both have short fur and sort of the same body shape?

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