Koda got her last round of vaccines yesterday...


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
So I took Koda in for her rabies and last round of vaccines and she weighed in at 24 pounds! She is 16 weeks old and when she was at the vet 2 weeks ago she weighed 18 pounds. We ran into two great danes and she looked at them like, "whoa, now that is more like it!".
Unfortunately she has started jumping up on people when they come over and I think I'll have to start putting a leash on her when someone comes to the door because despite what I tell people to do (or how to react) they still pet her as they tell her no jumping. Ugh! It seems like it will be easier to teach Koda than my human friends/relatives. We have family coming in from out of town this weekend and I am worried about how it will go. Luckily they are staying in a hotel but I just dread how they will most likely reinforce negative behaviors. I am hoping we will be out of the house most of the time so it won't be an issue. Worst case I can leash or kennel the pups while they are here.
But on a good note, we had my teenage cousin move in with us so he can finish up high school and he has learned quickly how to act around the animals (and my daughter). He has never been around dogs more than just visiting at relatives so it was all new territory for him. He wants to be involved in Koda's training, which I think is awesome. Our new blended family is working out nicer than I ever imagined.

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