Just saw a rottie with a tail...

Apr 9, 2007
Rotties were meant to pull carts and such, and that's the reason their tails are docked. My Rottie pulls sleds during the winter, he loves it. I couldn't see him with a tail, and I think if people want them to have their tails, they should be considered a different breed altogether, since they're no longer the dog they were bred to be.

Until I actually see a dog that's goes through being docked/cropped at least. And I mean before, right after, and the following days after the procedure. i'd see the procedure if I could. Only then could I really decide if I didn't like it enough to think it should be banned, or still think it's a personal opinion.
I've had a litter of Min Pin pups, and I was there when they were docked. They were each happy while they were with mom, but when the vet took them, they cried, the vet took the tail off, they didn't cry any more than before he took it off, and as soon as he put the pup back with mom, the pup was quiet and happy, the stitches fell out a week later, and nobody ever knew what happened. On the other hand, I have seen a 3 year old Min Pin female with happy tail, hit her tail against the corner of a wall and break it, she screamed and screamed for 2 hours until she got to the vet, she was in shock by the time she got there, she ended up under general anesthesia, which isn't the safest of procedures, then spent 5 weeks chewing the bandages off of her stub, getting an infection, ending up on IV antibiotics, and basically going through a living hell. 5 months later, her tail was healed in the way it could have been when she was 5 days old. That person bragged that she told the breeder she wanted the tail natural. After all of this and a $2000 vet bill, she wished she hadn't been so high and mighty, and she realized there was a purpose behind the breed standard, even if she didn't realize what it was before. Which is more traumatic to the dog???

It can all come back to circumcision on human babies, that is surely more traumatic than docking a tail, but it is accepted as it's more healthy for the baby, and more healthy when that baby boy becomes an adult. I know it's not the same thing, but, it's also done when the nerves are not capable of transmitting what's going on to the brain. People who claim dogs are traumatized for life need to ask themselves, or their husbands, if they are traumatized for life because of something that happened at such a young age. Then they need to ask an adult male who has gotten an infection, if he would have been better off having had a procedure that he never would have even known about, or if that infection he just got over was a good experience for him?

As far as ear cropping, I feel completely different about that. In dobies it may prevent ear infections, which is a good thing (our rottie gets ear infections, and they're not pleasant for him or us,) BUT, in Min Pins, there is no medical reason for it, all of our babies ears stand naturally, so there's no problem with the ears holding moisture in and getting infections, plus, they crop the ears at an older age, and the dogs definitely feel what's going on and suffer as a result. However, if I could crop my rotties ears, and it would spare him the ear infections by making his ears erect and keeping them dry, I might be tempted to do it. He's not a happy boy when he gets an infection, and our vet's advice to prevent them is to try to fold his ears back whenever we get a chance, but in all logical senses, it's not practical to keep his ears folded back.
May 1, 2005
Rotties were meant to pull carts and such, and that's the reason their tails are docked. My Rottie pulls sleds during the winter, he loves it. I couldn't see him with a tail, and I think if people want them to have their tails, they should be considered a different breed altogether, since they're no longer the dog they were bred to be.

Hmm... the Swiss Mountain and the bernese where also used to pull cars, but they don't crop the tails.

And they are both bigger than a rott, the bernese has a big furry tail.


Twin 2.0
Jul 11, 2005
Denver, CO
Rotties were traditionally docked to signify them as "working dogs" and therefore exempt from certain taxes.

I personally prefer the docked look, I rather like it. Same with my Aussies, though slightly different, because I as I mentioned in another thread, you can get any tail length with Aussies and docking just makes them all the same with no noticable/qualitative effect. Makes have things on coffeetables much safer! :p


I like them both. Tail or not. But I wouldn't mind getting a rottie WITH a tail some day. I think it makes them look more athletic. But I'm not sure its worth having everything on the coffee table whipped off. Reggin constantly spills and knocks things over, lol.

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