Just plain "Creepy"


Keeper of a Corso & Saint
Jul 15, 2005
Here's another one..

My wife and I had just moved into our current home. I was on sick leave from work and I was laying asleep on the couch around 2pm. Well I had started to wake up, but I was still asleep. Just at the state where you can kinda hear things going on in the house, but you still haven't opened your eyes yet.

Well, I just got this feeling that something was wrong. At that moment I heard the front door open and close, though I remembered deadbolting it. I felt, and faintly heard, something walk past me and stand behind my head like it was looking down on me.
I just laid there in an almost paralized state, scared as hell to move at all or open my eyes. After a while of just laying there completely still pretending to be asleep, I finally fell back to sleep. When I woke up I knew that whatever or whoever it was was gone.


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Heres what I wrote on a thread ages ago, I couldn't be bothered to type it all again :D.

Kase said:
Yes definately, i believe in everything paranormal including ghosts. I think we have lost a lot of our ability to sense 'things' but some people retain this ability and are able to sense more than others. If you understand what i mean? I also believe animals still use these senses and are more in tune and capable of sensing things than us.

I've sensed things before at certain times, places but not very often.

However 2yrs ago i went on Holiday to Wales with my dog Casey and my family. We stayed in theis old cottage quite near the sea front. There were 3 bedrooms and i chose the smallest bedroom so i could be on my own with Casey.
The first night there i went to sleep around 10, however i was woken up around 2:00am by this strange noise-it was the noise that is made when a door is opened over carpeted floor. At first i thought it was a member of my family going to the bathroom but the noise continued and when i asked out loud if anyone was there, there was no answer. I tried not to panick but i was admittedly scared as i didn't understand what it was. That night i hardly slept as the noise wouldn't stop and a few hours later i must have drifted of to sleep.

In the morning I told my mum but she said i was imagining things, so the next night i convinced myself it was my imagination and went to bed with Casey next to me. I went to sleep hoping i wouldn't be woken in the night but that was not the case. In the middle of the night i was woken up very abruptly by the sound of Casey barking and growling. (this dog never growls unless she is playing and doesn't bark in the house). I was shocked to start of with as i wondered what was going on. Casey was just standing next to me tail up, head up with her chest puffed out, she was barking and growling and just staring at the doorway. I didn't know what to do i just pulled her up onto the bed with me and lay there frozen. Casey lied down next to me and put her head down so i thought it was ok, however every now and again she would shoot her head up and growl towards the doorway. Trust me when i say i was sooo glad when that night was over, we both were. The next evening we moved bedrooms and nothing happened for the rest of the holiday.

I don't know what exactly happened in Wales, i didn't literally 'see' anything but i know to trust my dogs judgement, and it just didn't 'feel' right during those 2 nights in that room.

Another example was when i was 14. I had rescued this baby rabbit who had badly deformed back legs. He was called Oz and moved like a frog. Everyday i would move and massage his legs and over time he was able to walk better. After 6 weeks with him i was going away for the week to Cornwall so i left Oz and my other rabbits at home and a friend looked after them for me. Four days into the holiday on Thursday night i had a dream about Oz, in this dream he 'told' me he was dead. When i woke up the next morning i knew he was dead, i could just 'feel' it. During Friday all i kept saying to my mum was that Oz was dead, she said i was worrying and he was fine. He wasn't fine:(, after listening to me sayng the same thing all day mum stopped me and said that she hadn't said anything as she didn't want to spoil my holiday, but she had recieved a phone call earlier on in the day and Oz infact was dead. I was heartbroken and this is just one of the reasons why i have a dog passport for Casey as i can't stand the thought of anything happening to her when i'm away.

Overall everyone has different opinions when it comes to the paranormal but i know that i definately believe.

I'm very sorry for writng such a long post.:p
Heres the thread I got it from,


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