jasper has a new buddy!


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
pictures in the morning, mum put my camera wire away again...lol. (she forgets where she puts it)

well this evening we had some family friends around...

one of those frineds is the owner of one of vixies puppies...
the oddball of the litter, little tricolor gizmo.
he was the smallest in the litter to start but now hes a solid 6lbs of dozer, with a head and coat to DIE for, he would have taken some major ribbons but as a male hes a tad large (males are prefered the smaller end of standard for ring) if he was a girl he would have been kept back.
and hes been neutered, but wow what a little stunner!

anywho...she brought him with her tonight.
now its been over 2 yrs since vixie, dodger, rosie and ruby have seen "little" gizmo (hes as big as his mother)
hes NEVER met jasper.

now beyond his own "pack" jasper hasnt met many "new" dogs, and hes going through a "hate new people" stage so i was a little worried...

well first, guests number 1 and 2 arrive...
jasper hides uner the coffee table growling....
give them a peice of ham each to give to him...yup you guessed it...these visitors are now his besty buddies!

then visitors #3 and 4 arrived, gizmos mommy and daddy....and WOW ive never seen any dog more excited, gizzy was running round like a lunatic, i swear he remembers who we are.
vixie gave him her usual nip on the nose when he got too close, shes still mommy lol and dodger, who hates strange dogs remembered exactly who he was and wanted to play...
but jasper...
jaspers reaction realy suprised me. he and gizy hit it off imediatly, they played form the moment giz got here untill the moment they left to go home!
im SOOO happy.
not only did he prove to me that with a little help from treats hell be fine with new people, but that hes GREAT with strange dogs...or at least this one...

i got some not so good pictures which ill try to post tomorrow...(low light and my camera isnt all that hot lol)

it was just so great, he felt so comfortable from moment 1, there was a little humping on both their ends, but the posture was great, and they both had a perfect energy match.

all in all a great night!

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