I Need Help!!!!


New Member
Aug 28, 2006
I could really use some suggestions to help me with Roush. I haven't been able to afford to take him to a formal obediance class yet, but I have worked with him every day as far as commands go... I work with him and Steeda for at least a half hour everyday. They both learn very quickly and know numerous commands. However, I can not for anything get Roush to come on command. I have a large fenced in back yard Kiieesha and Steeda can both run free....Roush has to stay on a lead (it is not a chain) it's a lightweight steel cable coated with a thick gel-like material. Its also almost 30 feet long so he does have plenty of room to run, he isn't confined when he is attached to it. I have tried everything from treats, to food, to the clicker, to repetition...everthing that I can think of to no avail. Sometimes he gets out of the door by accident and takes off down my street ( which is relatively busy). He just wants to play and run. I have continuous visions of him being hit by a car. I also know that he knows what come means he just choses not to, because when he is on the lead, he will come as soon as I call. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thanks in advance


Thread Killer
Jan 31, 2007
Cranston, RI
what we do in my dog obedience class is drop a few treats and the the leash, and run away calling the dog. of course, only do this in a controlled environment. start inside, then in the fenced yard, etc.

Start calling as soon as you drop the leash, and even if the dog eats all the treats, his body weight will be leaning toward you, and as soon as he's done he should run to you to get more treats.


Jul 9, 2006
he should never get out of the door by accident. how does that happen exactly. i dont mean to be rude but he will get hit by a car and as a dog owner its your responsibility for you to make sure there is no way your dog can escape. i can understand once, but why "sometimes"

how i taught Ruckus to come was simple really. it may sound rough, but this is what my trainer taught me.
have him out on a 30 foot lead and let him explore. then tell him "come" and even if he doesnt flinch an ear or look at you start tugging and reeling him in. after a while he will get the message and be tired of being reeled in. of course when you reel him to you tell him what a good boy he is and give him a food reward. we even used a choke to teach Ruckus this. i wouldnt advise this at all. my trainer was oviously a wack job. but none the less, he loves to come now


New Member
Aug 28, 2006
To be truly honest, I really don't appreciate your tone here....

he should never get out of the door by accident. how does that happen exactly. i dont mean to be rude but he will get hit by a car and as a dog owner its your responsibility for you to make sure there is no way your dog can escape. i can understand once, but why "sometimes"
I did not ask for your judgement on the situation of his escaping a couple of times, I asked for any ideas about the come command. I am not going to explain how he got out, that has been taken care of, and It's not the issue.

I bet ever dog owner on this forum has had a dog take off at least once and it in no way suggests an irresponsible owner like you seem to be insinuating. That's why accidents are called accidents.


New Member
Oct 25, 2006
Northern Alberta
What your doing sounds right but I'll add a few things Duke and I learned in Puppy class that may help.

For now, for the purposes of training it's very important to have both small food bribes and have him inside on lead, where there's not to many distractions.

We just went back to basic obidence last night and we've begun teaching "come" by placing the dog in a sit next to us on our left side and saying "let's go" in an uppity voice and walking forward. Walk about 10 steps forward and stop and get ready to take a step back. Your dog will probabaly continue to go forward. At the same time as you get ready to take a step backwards say, "come" in a firm voice and show your pup the food reward. Then praise the second you touch his collar when he comes back to you.

There are of course plenty of other ways to teach "come" however the main point is, especially in the beginning is to ONLY ask him when you KNOW he will listen ( thus why it's so important to practice with him onlead when you have lures availble). Also never repeat the command more the once as you will teach him he can ignore it the first time.

After ahwile he will become good at recall but it is important not to get cocky to fast and give your dog to much freedom. Unfortunatly more times then not it is usually the first time you let them offlesh to practice before they are ready that something goes wrong. It could be something as simple as him seeing something and bolts. Your natural reaction will to panic and call your dog to come; however you will most likely not say it as firmily as you would normaly as you will be scared for his safety and as such your dog may hesitate for a second but continue to go as maybe his chase drive takes over. You of course will repeat the command because your are now getting desperate and the second you say "come'' again, you will have ruined all of those months of practice as you have just taught your dog he can ignore the come command.

So basically what I'm saying

-Don't set your dog up to fail by practicing when he's under control on lead
-always keep sessions short and positive
-be firm and never repeat a command twice
-Practice,practice,practice and never give your dog to much freedom before he's ready.

Duke and I have been working togther for 5 months now and every single day we do a training session and I still believe it will take a good amount of time before his recall and all commands are solidly down so please do not try and rush the process or you will ruin your hard work.


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