i love spring


Salty Sea Dog
Feb 14, 2006
started doing some major garden work today, im so happy!
the suns out...

its still very early in the season but ive found this about the best time in our zone to do most of the heavy work, and were very sheltered up here :)

today i got a bunch of wood moved to the wood circle, still sooo much more to get moved for the fire pit...

i moved a huge shasta daisy (while its still small enough to do so) as when its in bloom it takes over the path lol

last year we took out a very unhappy pine tree, so i moved the 2 ferns that had been shaded by it to another shaded spot.

some lemon balm got split and moved around and some carpet phlox that was being strangled by the mother lemon balm plant got shifted so its got more roo to stretch its legs...

and i moved the grape vine that for the past 2 years has been fighting with my wysteria vine to a new much sunnier spot where it wont have to compete for light this year, its on its 3rd year so we should be getting grapes by this year and its still tiny so im hoping moving it to a brighter spot will give it a boost., we have 2 vines that were hidden i moved the other one a few weeks ago and its done the trick, the poor little thing thats done nothing for 3 years doubled in size in a week just having extra sun.

the grape however did give me a good fight though...
and i managed to gash my arm on the trellis...but its just a sign i was doing it right lol.

so yay gardening. next week ill be getting some plants to start going in to the bare spots.
i LOVE this time of year, i always start doing stuff around now and always have good luck :)

weve got 2 blueberries and 2 raspberries in too and the chickencoop underway, i want to get some strawberries in asap but ive got to figure out where there going, and weve got a fence to move, and mum wants some fruit trees put in up on the hill this year...
ive got some sunflower seeds and morning glory seeds to go intoo but im not sure where, im thinking of putting some sunflower seeds along the chicken run fenceline, as they can eat the seeds as they fall, mabe even some of the morning glory seeds to climb all over the run, there anuals here :(

all kinds of plans :D

so what are you planning in your garden this year?


Like a bat outa' hell
May 12, 2009
Beautiful British Columbia!!
well my mother does the gardening, but I am sure she has plans up her wazoo lol. She loves gardening and she makes the yard look beautiful. Now my father will be cutting our five acres of yard lol, but I dont feel sorry for him. It was him who planted the grass he knew what he was getting into.

We have about three rows of sask booshes that produce amazing fruit. hmm i am pretty excited for thoes to grow.

I am sure we have lots of pruning to do as we have rows and rows of spruce, pine, poplar and willow trees. Thats going to be fun LOL.

We have been non-stop watering the grass because it has been so bloody dry here. Thank God it rained last night.

Oh and the raspberry bushes have to be pruned. I am pretty excited about that too!!!

We have a veggie garden that we will be growing potatoes and peas, carrots ect.

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