I love my job...


mostly ignored...
Feb 22, 2005
Okay, so I work in special ed, and I love it. Stressful yes, but overall a joy. I would never dream of picking on my kids, because, lets face it, a) it's cruel and b) most of them wouldn't get it if I did, but every once and a while they come up with some real gems of wisdom and I just had to share:

In spanish class:

Me: "how do you say dog"

Teen I work with: "dog"

Me:"um...no, dog in spanish"

Teen:(looks confused then gets a "lightbulb" look and comes back with) "OH, dog in SPANISH"....

Or -

(regular ed kid in the same spanish class)

Teacher: Say "How are you doing today"

random student: "Um...in Spanish?"

Teacher: "No, Italian would be nice."

random student: "But...I don't know Italian..."

Teacher:"Obviously you don't understand english either..."

random student:" no...I think I understand, wait, what was the question again?!"

or- back in the life skills room

Teacher: What's today's date

student:- insert date here-

Teacher: Good, and today is day 3 (5 day rotation of classes)

student: NO, today is Friday, but that's okay, everyone makes mistakes...

Teacher:(Trying to not be insulted by student) No, today is cycle day 3.

student:(agitated because he hates to be wrong) NO today is Friday...but we can say it's day 3 if it'll make you happy. . .


Student farts...really loud, and really smelly....

Teacher: Do you need to use the rest room

other student: No, I think he just likes to fart...

Okay, maybe not as humerous to ya'll but I was tickled. I love my kiddos :)

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