How I know I'm in Love (we need a happy thread)


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
so remember the thread about how you know you're in love? i stumbled across this.

It’s funny how when we talk, I smile, even if you seem a little distant, you’ll always come back.

It’s funny how when you say the simplest thing, it means the world to me.

It’s funny how sometimes all it takes is this blunt little sentence to make me want to get up in the morning and go to bed at night.

It’s funny how I can picture you sitting at the dinner table with my eclectic family and fitting right in.

it’s funny how I can see myself in two years, coming home after a long day at work, trying hard just to make it by, and look into your eyes and know that one day everything will be worth it.

It’s funny how I think about my future, and I wonder where you’ll be, and I hope you’ll be close by.

It’s funny how when I picture myself having a kid, you’re always the one holding my hand in the hospital room and wiping away my tears when our baby goes off to kindergarten.

It’s funny how I don’t really care when there are other girls, or our conversation doesn’t flow like normal, because I know it’ll all work out in the end.

It’s funny how every time I get my heart broken, my daydreams always end up with you in them.

It’s funny how I hurt inside every time you say something that makes you seem sad.

It’s funny how I smile every time I see your picture or remember something you said.

It’s funny how I feel like no matter what I go through, you’ve been through it, and you’ll help me along.

It’s funny how you always try and make the best of things, and even when I know you’re upset, you smile and make a joke, just to make us all feel better.

It’s funny how there’s so much more to you than a pretty face and a sense of humor and an honest smile and passion for life.

It’s funny how you’re like a little kid, but you’re more mature than anyone I know.

It’s funny how with you, there’s never any drama, and if there is, we laugh about it.

It’s funny how even though the world doesn’t want us to be together, I’d have no problem showing the world we are together.

It’s funny how I feel alive every time we’re talking.

It’s funny how you feel like family to me, and how you’d never admit it but I know you care about me from the things you say to keep me safe.

It’s funny how when stuff gets hard, you stay calm, and talk me through it all.

It’s funny how I’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for a couple of words you said.

It’s funny how you’re always honest, even if you do something sort of wrong.

It’s funny how you say what you want, even when it isn’t right, and if it's wrong, you make sure you never get it.

It’s funny how all these songs remind me of you, and how normally with boys I have so much trouble putting words on paper but I could write an entire book of poems about you.

It’s funny how I know that when the world ends, you’ll be the last person on my mind, just like you are when I fall asleep each night.

It’s funny how we can not talk for a week, and I miss you, but I don’t worry about where you are and what you’re doing.

It’s funny how after this week of not talking, the conversation picks right back up, whether it’s on all the dramatic events of the past seven days or some stupid joke we make.

It’s funny how I can think of a million things that we could do together and have so much fun.

It’s even funnier how I can think of a million things I’d hate to do and I know if you were besides me they’d be okay.

Like best friends but more. Like you’ll understand why I love that sad song and why sometimes it hurts too much inside to stand it. Like you’ll understand why I’m laughing at something that isn’t funny at all, and you’ll laugh too just because I’m laughing.

It’s funny how I think even my dad would like you, and he doesn’t like me even talking to anyone with a penis.

It’s funny how if you were there, I feel like I could do anything, and no one could stop me.

It’s funny how stuff just works out.

It’s funny how I’m so faithless, but confident that we’ll be together one day.

It’s funny how whenever we're together, everything seems like those nights used to be when I was high on life, how everything is like an acid trip except as real as possible, and how I don’t really smile when I think about inside jokes, but I smile whenever I think about anything you’ve ever said to me.

It’s funny how every time I see your face, you look even more beautiful, how I’m proud of you for doing everything you’ve done, how I know now that I can grow up and still be happy, that everything doesn’t have to be perfect but it can still be great.

It’s funny how I’m writing about you for page after page and I’m not about to stop.

It’s funny how you take sure good care of your mom, and how you hang out with her even though you’re all grown up.

It’s funny how you do everything with enthusiasm and compassion, the way I try and do things, even if it’s slightly sarcastic you’re still making it fun.

It’s funny how when I’m out, being completely busy, I always stop for a minute and wonder if you’re having as much fun as I am.

It’s funny how when you IM me, or text or call or leave a message or comment or whatever, I smile and I’m glad you’ve taken time out of your day to acknowledge me.

It’s funny how you never get jealous of me, and I never get jealous of you, and even when I do stupid things, you let me do them, and you make sure I have someone to talk to when I realize I made a mistake.

It’s funny how I can see you hanging out with my little brother, and tolerating him be so annoying, or even laughing at his bad jokes and stupid comments.

It’s funny how I can see us in twenty years, doing stupid projects in order to keep ourselves busy.

It’s funny how I roll my eyes at your stupid jokes, but I still laugh.

It’s funny how much I care about someone I haven’t even known a year, it’s funny how I think that I’m in love with you, and it’s funny how I know you’d be so patient when I couldn’t trust you because of all the **** I’ve been through.

It’s funny how I know you’d take it slow, just to make it last.

It’s funny how I don’t try to be someone I’m not, and it’s good enough for you.

I used to think the right person would make you a better person, but now I know you’re already good enough for them.

It’s funny how I can’t think of one mistake you’ve made, and it’s funny how you blame yourself for so many things, yet I don’t think any of it’s your fault.

It’s funny how the dreams of you aren’t like they’ve been with the other boys, all darkened rooms and whispers of lies, but you’re just like everyone else in the dreams, my best friends and family, except when I wake up after of dreaming of you I smile and I wish that it was real.

It’s funny how sometimes I forget about the crush I have on you, but then we talk and I remember it.

It’s funny how even when I’m with another boy, I still think of my future and you’re in it, not them.

It’s funny how I make big plans, and I always wonder where you’ll be when I’m winning at life.

It’s funny how I worry about whether or not you’ll let me name our kids the stupid names I love, and it’s funny how I’m like a stupid 10 year old with a crush, thinking that it will work out, when I know I’ll be let down again, except this time i don't think that.

It’s funny how when something I do seems good in your eyes, it makes me feel so proud, and it’s funny how I don’t have to try to be good enough in your eyes.

It’s funny how we like all the same things, and we did ever since we were little kids. It makes me feel like maybe we always will. It’s funny how we have the same favorite bands, the same favorite songs, the same favorite games, the same favorite movies.

It’s funny how we’re so perfect for each other.

It’s funny how it feels like it’s meant to be.

It’s funny how I know it will work out somehow.

It’s funny how I spend hours daydreaming about you when we’re not together.

It’s funny how I miss you, but not so bad it hurts, because I know we’ll talk soon.

It’s funny how I can’t stop thinking about you sometimes, even if I try, and it’s funny how I’m not embarrassed to tell my friends about you.

I was 15 when i wrote that.

It's funny how i still feel exactly the same. God i miss him.


Water Junkie
Aug 1, 2006
You wrote that? Thats great :) I can relate to almost everyone of them....


New Member
Oct 8, 2005
i suppose you can give it to someone, sure.
Thank you it'll mean alot. I'm not expressive when it comes to writing my feelings down on paper. I've seen many poems that seem it'll be perfect to give to him, to express the way I'm feeling.......but still some just wasn't vast enough or their was still a void in showing ALL the feelings I had. And this one you wrote just pretty much summed it up. And to think you were just 15!!

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