Hip dysplasia


bullie lover
Nov 1, 2005
Madison, wi
I know this has been discussed before - i did a search and read the first 10 posts - but I guess I am unclear on a few things. My dog has not had the xrays for hd, but he's been through the joint manipulation, as well as when he walks his hip seems to pop out causing his leg to be unstable when he walks. (It actually visibably bows out!) And when he turns his body in certain ways it also bows out, and looks very unstable.

The vet who examined him had said that the way Mojo's back legs were muscled it was apparent that he has adapted to the deformity in his hips. He only had a reaction to pain when she stretched his leg to it's fullest extent forward, i believe (this exam happened over a year ago). Otherwise he spent his entire time during the leg manipulation trynig to lick her hands.

All of my hopes for doing agility outside of my dreams were dashed when I heard that. :( I still haven't done the x-rays because I haven't been able to afford them - but I would like to start supplementing him... as his arthritis has seemed to have been worse this past winter.

I know the recommendation is human grade glucosamine and chondroitin delivered along with Vit. C, and Maganese. I've also heard MSM can work well....

My question, however, is what "brands" are better than others? I dont' want to spend X amount of dollars only to find out that I had a better option somewhere else for maybe less amount of money.

Also since Mojo is on Innova Evo for food (1-1/4 cups a day) how will that effect the dosages of the supplements? (mordy?)



bullie lover
Nov 1, 2005
Madison, wi
bubbatd said:
I would do everything possible to get an X Ray ...
If my health needs were not so precarious, it would have been done already. Unfortunately with my asthma the way it is, I have to take care of my immediate health needs first ($200/mo in prescriptions) and I don't have the money for the xrays. Next year, my taxes will hopefully stretch far enough to do it... for right now I want to help alleviate any pain he has now. My apologies for not being able to do the right thing now by my dog's health.


New Member
Feb 20, 2006
neither of my goldens suffers with HD but I am on another forum for goldens and this plan has worked for a few with mild HD

We do (as per doc) 25% turkey or fresh ocean fish/seafood. I use turkey cause if I can't eat fresh fish neither can my dogs lol. NO chicken or beef for joint issues.

25% veggis, We do carrots and broccoli. And throw in italian parsley/parsley.

50% brown rice (short grain if you can find it)

The vet wants the meat and veggies lightly steamed but I cook it more just cause I have to.

Feed one cup per ten pounds of dog daily.

Use a supplement like missing link (there are others) I used to buy the missing link with joint support but someone on this site pointed out the joint support was so minor I should just buy the regular (much cheaper) and that has been working fine. use amount according to package instructions.

Add a hip and joint support like Pet naturals with glucosimine, chondroitin and MSN. Goldie gets two a day wich equals 1500 mg glucosamine, 800mg msm, and 800mg chondroitin. dosing is per weight and instructions are on package. There is also a small amount of calcium ascorbate in it.

The vit c is ti help absorb everything into the tissues. So on top of the vit c in the above supplement we add another 1/3 tsp per day. CAUTION do not use ascorbic acid (very tough on the gi tract) The best is sodium ascorbate but calcium ascorbate is also fine but make sure it is buffered. Powered or crystals is easiest to dose.

All I can tell you is the ofa scored her a mild HD.
And the vet that diagnosed her scored her left hip a 2 and her right a 3/4. On a scale of one to ten. Ten being bad. When she diagnosed she couldnt get up in the car or on the furniture. I used to be able to put my hand across her hips when she walked and could feel her right hip popping with every step. She can now get up on everything and her hip pops rarely.

We also have to keep her from jumping/running hard as much as possible. This is not easy as she is about 13 mos and now that she feels better that is all she wants to do lol.

sorry this was a copy paste job but they swear by the supplements

good luck


Jan 9, 2005
25% turkey 25% veggis, 50% brown rice
Wow, that's a pretty high carb diet. Also, what do you do for balancing calcium and phosphorus properly?

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