Hi. and meet my animals (with pics)


New Member
Nov 25, 2012
Hello all. I guess I am making my way around the internet dog forum circuit. LOL. I recognize a couple of people here from other places.

A little about me: I am married. I have 3 dogs, 1 evil cat, and 3 breakfast makers (chickens). I like to hunt. A little fishing is good too. I am addicted to the internet, like to walk my dogs, watch t.v., and am a pretty boring person who prefers to shun having a social life much to my husband's chagrin.

I feed my dogs a raw diet and am kind of obsessed with it. I started in 2007 and did it part time but at the beginning of 2012, I ditched kibble altogether and now I am a meat crackhead, always looking for my next big score. I have been lucky/blessed in getting a good amount of meat for free and now its like a hobby of mine. LOL. Which is a good hobby to have when I am feeding 340 pounds of dog (roughly).

So..about my dogs:

(disclaimer: I do know all my dogs are fat. We are working on it with a diet and regular walks. We have all gained weight lately because I do not walk them in the woods during hunting season {we do play in the yard for SOME exercise though} and I got a little careless with all of our weights...including mine! So I appreciate any concerns, just know that I am on it. Thanks)

Sargeant: Sarge is my heart and soul. I am blessed to have this little scruffers. He is half miniature smooth dachshund and half miniature poodle. His mother was owned by one of my husband's friends who was a careless idiot and let his dog get knocked up....multiple times! Then he had to move and she now lives with mu husband's cousin and is in GREAT hands. She is about half Sarge's size...and she hates him. We sometimes get together and she wants nothing to do with him. She is a jerk face. Anyways, this is Sarge. He is nine years old. I have had him since a wee pup.

Hunter: Hunter was found walking along a highway and a bar owner picked him up and brought him home. The guy's wife had cats. It didn't work out. One day, my husband was at a bar and the owner asked if anyone wanted a dog. To my husband's credit, he did ask me beforehand if he could bring him home. I have taken care of him since. My husband is not as much a dog person as I am. So while technically this is supposed to be my husband's dog, well...you know how that goes. This is the most focused dog I have ever met. He will do ANYTHING for the ball. He will chose a ball over a cheeseburger. He loves to retrieve. He is a great dog. We don't know how old he is but have had him for ten years now and he was already an adult when we got him.

Dozer: I really wanted to add one more dog to my pack. So I looked and looked. I was torn between getting a mastiff or a rottweiler. I found the mastiff first. He was a product of a divorce through a craigslist ad. He was only 8 months when I got him and already huge. He got huger. Sadly, he is also overweight now (I know, bad wolfsnaps!). He is a velcro dog. MY velcro dog. When my husband accompanies me on a dog walk, he likes to walk Dozer. But Dozer will not walk unless he can see me at all times. It is cute and a little annoying too. He is such a baby! He sucks on blankets like pacifiers and wants in my lap all the time. All 195 pounds of him. But he is true to his breed. Very protective. Some strangers he likes right away. Most he doesn't. Not a dog you want on your bad side. He is all bark though. A big softie on the inside.

This is Otis: Otis actually saved her own life. I was out checking my well and I heard something meowing its head off! Out of the tall grass springs this little kitten, her brother following close behind. Later I learned she was 4 weeks old at the time. Long story short, I waited for mama cat to come collect her young and she never did. It was winter and cold out. She eventually made it inside our home. It took some doing for the mastiff to accept her (he BROKE my bedroom window trying to get at her when he first saw her outside). They are fine nowadays. She is an ungrateful jerk whom I love/hate but always spoil. This is her as a kitten, when I thought she was going to be a nice, loving cat. She is about a year old now.

And the chickens:

Not much to say about them. They are red stars (red sex link chickens). I just got them in september and have learned I really like having chickens. I give away most of the eggs and have endeared myself to friends and family. Seriously, store bought eggs are a joke once you have had some free range chicken eggs.

So hi everyone. I might just contribute to the raw feeding side of things as I am not much of a trainer, dont do rescues, or anything like that. I am just lazy and, while I do provide my animals with a great life, we don't do anything fancy.


Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2004
Welcome! Thanks for posting the pics of your family; they are all adorable.

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