Help me (again). I need to start from scratch with potty training


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
Help!!! My puppy still won't go outside. Not only that, she will only do #1 or #2 on her puppy pad but not both. She will potty anywhere in the house. It doesn't matter where to her.

Just to recap, she is a 4 month old maltipoo and I think I need to start totally from scratch. I also work full-time. One of you suggested keeping her crated until she went. I tried that one weekend, but it didn't work. I am willing to try it again.

Can anyone give me more suggestions since I am starting from fresh. Right now, I have a puppy pad in the bedroom and in the living room. I really need to teach her to go inside and out but I will still with outside! I am desperate! Do I need to take a week off from work just to potty train her? LOL

Mar 30, 2006
potty training

I would crate train. How long are you gone for? Do you get to come home at lunch or have someone who can let her out once during your 8 hr day? If so crate is the way to go. (dont' use potty pads at all if you are going to try this method)

Make sure it is VERY SMALL just enough room to lay down and turn around. I would also not put bedding in there. Make a potty schedule--such as 7am, noon, 5pm, 9pm and 11pm and stick to it. Immediately go outside when out of the crate for potty and treat when successful. If she has been in there a couple hours and does not go potty outside--put her back in the crate for 10-15 minutes and back outside--still no potty? keep repeating (although I believe if she has been in there 2+ hrs she will have to pee at least a little! LOL). No water in the crate also.

When not in the crate still stick to the schedule (on your weekend days ect) You must be constantly watching her--not one minute can go by with her alone until she has proved herself. You get up to go bathroom yourself? Either bring her with you or put her in the crate--seriously every minute watch her. Do not let her wander into other rooms unless you are going too!

Watch for pottying signs such as circling, excessive sniffing ect when she is out and take her out when you see such things. Since you will be staring at her pretty much the whole time when she is out of her crate you may catch her in the act if she randomly pees..for Wrigley We immediately picked him up by the scruff (some people don't approve or like this so you can just pick her up if you want) and sternly said "NO" and immediately he had to go outside and finish (then treat if they successfully finish outside).

This should work!


New Member
Sep 27, 2006
She is in her crate at least nine hours a day. I am not able to come at lunch. She has only messed one time in her crate. When I get home, I take her outside and that is the only time she will pee. She will not poop.

I tried the whole crate all day thing last Saturday with no success but it sounds like I need do this several days in a row.

So, in the evenings when I come home, I should take her outside immediately and if she doesn't go, put her back in her crate and take her out again and repeat for the rest of the evening until she goes? That seems like an awfully long time in her crate but I understand it.

Why no puppy pads? I sort of wanted to train her to do both because of an illness I have that can make me bedridden at times (long story) but I think that is what got her confused to begin with. After I get her positively trained for outdoors can I start to train her how to use a puppy pad in an emergency?

Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate the help. She is at daycamp today and they will let me know how she did with going potty.



New Member
Sep 27, 2006
OMG! I did it! I toughed it out yesterday and by 9 pm last night my maltipoo went potty outside....she even did both!!! It was exhausting though taking her out every 30 minutes and then sticking her back in the crate. She cried just like a baby a few times. But after she went, she got 30 minutes of un-interrupted playtime with mommy!!

I feel like I have already made some real progress and she has only been outside once. It was storming like crazy this morning when she needed to go so I let her go on the puppy pad. I hope I didn't just take 2 steps back. As soon as I get home this afternoon, I will start the whole process over. Back outside she goes until ....well...until she goes!

Thanks for all the help!

Jan 31, 2006
no matter what the weather is I would take her outside.

the puppy pads are going to confuse her, especially now while you are just making progress.


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