HELP! GSD Preparation

Dec 20, 2003
Where the selas blooms
Leaving the door open is great - it does give a dog it's own place (mine tend to choose their own 'special' corners) and every dog needs it's own quiet place. Just the thought of leaving a critter in one for hours on end really bothers me . . .

We talked to a vet once who was looking to re-home her female Bull Mastiff. It seems she was having trouble controlling the dog: it spent HOURS a day and every night in a crate! OF COURSE she was having trouble with the dog! She was giving the dog away, but wanted to sell the crate and when Charley told her he didn't need the crate she told him he didn't need a Bull Mastiff; he didn't understand how to deal with one. :rolleyes:

It's not like he hadn't already had a few (one even an intact male adult abandoned on a friend's doorstep) that were all so well adjusted and mannered that they could function even on a college campus fraternity house off leash . . . I really hope that poor dog wasn't completely ruined and found a better home.

I guess the best way to describe what I really object to with crates is people who use them for dogs the same way they use the TV to babysit their kids . . . :mad:


tasmanian devil sheltie
Feb 26, 2005
Declan will also seek out his crate if I move it- and we have a quiet house! His crate door is always opened, and it has a cuddly bed in it, and he loves to sit in it- usually in the morning when I'm running trying to get us out the door. I also used to put his food bowl in it when he was a puppy, which is a good trick to make them feel happy about their crate.

Declan even taught himself "go to your box" -when I would see him climbing into it, I would say "aww, going to your box?" and he learned to associate that with the crate. So it's cute, I can say "go to your box" and he runs over and climbs in. Useful for getting him off the living room rug so that I can vacuum. :D

Good luck with your puppy!


Deutscher Schaferhund
Feb 21, 2005
I personally think crates are a great thing. We have 2 GSD's and one cocker spaniel. When we got our first GSD we used the crate method. He was in there when we went to work. I always came home at lunch to let him out for a while and my husband was usually home within an hour afterwards. It only took about a week to get Ezra used to his crate. He is now 19 mos old and still loves the crate. He no longer is in it when we're gone, but our female GSD is in there. Ezra loves the crate so much that he still runs in there every morning when I leave for work and I have to fight him to get him out so Miyah can go in. Miyah also loves the crate. Even when we're home they will go in there to take a nap or just relax. See, we made the crate a happy safe place for them. They are rewarded with treats and kongs when they are in there. The crate is large enough for them to stand up, turn around, and lay down stretched out. We put a very comfortable sheepskin blanket in there. The crate we have is a full size square crate with a black electocoat finish, it's very nice and very roomy. Pretty soon Miyah will be able to stay out during the day if she chooses, but I can guarantee that either her or Ezra will still utilize the crate on their own will. The one thing we never do is use the crate as a punishment. We never ever put either of the dogs in there to punish them.


New Member
Jul 24, 2004
I agree with Shaferhund, crates can be wonderful if used properly. We have 2 shepherds, both were crate trained, and both love their crates to this day.

Shepherds are a breed that need a lot of attention and I hope that 8 hours alone doesn't cause major problems for the dog and his owner.

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