Hello from mid-Wisconsin


New Member
Nov 6, 2010
I love, love, love animals, especially dogs, and have three older ones and a new baby (my pride and joy).

Let me introduce my animal family:
Damian is 8 months old and a 3/4 Chihuahua/1/4 Shitzu mix with terrier attitude and so much personality. I have a picture of him in my profile. He is going to be our retirement years dog, as I am 57 and hub is 55.

Lucky is a nine year old black lab/cocker who rules the roost. She is independent, but very attached to hub and me. She is my smartest dog and if the house ever catches on fire while we are sleeping and the alarms don't work, she's the one who will wake us up.

Rufus is an eight year old cocker spaniel from a supposedly good breeder...his parents were show dogs. He has a slight heart murmur and is a lazy boy who is very loyal. He is hyper and barks a lot.

Prince is an eight year old cockapoo and cute as a teddy bear. He is cocker spaniel stubborn but sweet and laid back. He loves to veg out with his chews.

Glad I found this forum. Anyone in Rapids, Stevens Point, Marshfield etc...I'd love to meet with you. Damian LOVES other dogs (my other dogs are not as friendly toward others). I would like Damian to have other dogs to play with as his brothers and sister dog pretty much just look at him when he does his play bow...lol. He is completely vetted.

I'd also love to talk to anyone here or in private about dog stuff :) Oh, yeah. Me. I'm a mom of four (two teens still at home) and a grandma once, but grandson lives in another state so I don't get to see him much. I live in a peaceful small town and love it. Like to read, write, rescue animals and just hang with family and friends. I love people of all ages and have four adopted kids...so I would be just as happy talking to somebody eighteen as ninety-eight :)

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