Had Caleb's picture taken with Santa at Cherrybrook today...


Active Member
Sep 18, 2007
Warren Co, NJ
He was driving me nuts- sniffing all over, not paying attention, etc. To be honest, tho, that's typical of the first few minutes when he goes somewhere. Then he settles in pretty nice. So, when it was his turn, he sniffs the dogsled over real good,climbs aboard, turns around and sits for me (it was a fundraiser for Siberian Husky Rescue). Santa was standing behind the sled, and reached for the leash. The woman assisting the guy taking the pictures was a little surprised when I took his leash off, told him to stay, and walked over to stand behind the photographer. It took awhile because the camera was slow to reset between pictures, but Caleb sat right where he was. The closest he came to breaking his stay was to look around between shots. Of course that meant that we had to get his attention back when the camera was ready. LOL I was tossing cookies up in the air over the photographer's shoulder, and the assistant was rattling a plastic spice jar that had cookies in it. Over all- lots of noise and confusion, along with some laughs. When we were done, I clipped Caleb's leash on, gave him a couple of cookies and released him from his stay. As we walked out of the photo area, the assistant said to me, "You are showing in obedience, aren't you?" It was kind of like- if you aren't you should be (that's my plan, as soon as I get MY courage up). LOL They were having trouble burning the pictures onto the cds, so I just told them to email them to me.

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