Good morning, tripod!


Bat Ears Only
Aug 8, 2014
Central California
For the last week or so, Brisbane has been hopping on three legs when he gets up in the morning, and sometimes after long naps. It's always very brief, only a few seconds. My house is tiny, and by the time he gets from the bedroom to the outside door he is walking normally.

All the rest of the time he walks and runs normally with no sign of a limp. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with his foot that I can see or feel; no heat, no swelling, no marks of any kind. No response when I carefully press each pad and in between his toes, even when I do it while he's still hopping.

Confounding this issue is the fact that he nearly went through the picture window in my living room last week. I came home to a trail of bloody pawprints leading to the cracked window, and no visible damage to any paws in the house. He visibly limped for a day and a half after that incident, but he was doing the morning tripod routine for at least a couple of days before that.

Six years ago, Brisbane was bit on the bottom of that same foot by a black widow spider. Anyone have a clue if there's a possible connection? I plan to bring this up to my vet soon, but it's so hard to catch that I doubt I'll be able to show her. If he got up before I did in the morning, I would never even know it was happening.

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