General Puppy Care


New Member
Nov 25, 2006
I got this off my site to help people new to dogs/puppies. Hope this helps!:)

General Puppy Care:

Puppies are like little children, and they want to explore. Dont get mad at them for doing something wrong because they didnt know!!! Now, before you buy a puuppy make sure:

-There are no small objects on the floor of your house to choke your puppy
-There are no electric wires at a puppy's reach. Chewing it might mean death. Do not leave around toxic or any other harmful object at its reach. ----Buy some toys that are right for a puppy at pet stores.
-There are no loose garbage can lids on garbage cans. Puppies can go through them and will eat mostly anything inside.
-There are doors closed from the bathrooms. Puppies love to shred toilet paper or drink from the toilet! Don't let this happen in any case.
-That if you let your puppy out, keep him in a secure place, such as a fence. Make sure there isn't any dirt patches he would be able to dig through.
-That you give regular checkups with your local vet. Bring your new puppy on a checkup right after you get it.
-That you don't let anything let your puppy grab ahold of dangerous objects. If you have a child, make sure he/she is not to near something harmful to the puppy when he/she is playing with the puppy.
-Love your dog and take care of it even if he did some things wrong. Over 500,000 dogs/puppies are sent to an adoption or rescue center. Don't let your's be one of them. Remembers, your puppy is like an infant child.

If you think you will have to leave your puppy for quite a while, teach your puppy crate training.

Here are some words of advice.

Tolerate puppies - they know not what they do

Teach puppies - they know not what to do

Be consistent with puppies - they forget things quickly

Keep lessons short - puppies are easily distracted

Puppies need to play - that why puppies are born in litters

Good social skills & manners are made, not born

Remember that puppy permits have expiration dates

Don't wait till the puppy has stolen your bone to teach him about manners

Be careful what you teach a puppy - someday, he might be in charge

Tired puppies are always good puppies


To Prevent Biting:

Dogs love to chew things. You should teach it not to bite when it is still a small puppy. Teach it only to chew things such as toys, food, etc. If you do not want your dog to chew everything in sight, listen to this:

To prevent finger biting, let your small puppy bite you. Once this happens, YELP like a dog. Ignore him for a few minutes. For most puppies, this works, but for some, you might have to try again. In some cases, the dog gets more aggressive. To prevent this, with one hand, grab the scruff of its neck. With the other hand, place it on top of its mouth and nose and say sternly: NO BITE. You may have to do it a few more times to get the message across. Do not be too mean to the puppy or it may end up being scared of you.

If you can't seem to teach him, enroll him in a puppy biting class. Remember, even if you do this, it is still your responsibility to teach him.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
Hi DogSty... Chaz is a great site for you to gather information about training, breeding and grooming of dogs ect. (Info you're collecting for your site) Your sentence above, "puppies need to play- that's why puppies are born in litters", made me realize you are not a trainer, but rather a young person collecting dog info? (A very nice thing to do!) If you pull up some threads here on "favorite training books/ videos" you'll find pet owners have listed their favorite sources of training info. There are also many proffessional trainers and breeders on Chaz, who've listed why these books are their favorites. They are great books for you to list for pet owners needing training information, that may come to your site. And welcome to Chaz!


New Member
Nov 25, 2006
yup, Chaz is awesome! And u got the part right about me not being a trainer. as you said, I'm pretty much collecting info for my site. and thx!

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