frustrated with sick fish


Active Member
Nov 29, 2006
I don't know if you remember but a while ago I posted about a fish who you all said appeared to have fungus. A few days later the fish died before I was able to treat him. I had four other fish of his species (bleeding heart tetras). My two larger ones were loosing their fins, one small one seemed to develop some minor fungus on his chin and another one was fine. Before the fungus even appeared I treated the entire tank for fin and tail rot as I assumed that was what the two big ones had, the one with a ton of fungus (that died) had lost fins too, I didn't know if that was just the body fungus or fin and tail rot but I treated everyone. After the treatment was over and after the major fungus fish died the big ones fins continued to get worse over the next few weeks. One lost nearly all of his fins and I really didn't know what he had. Since another fish developed fungus I went and bough fungus stuff, it happened to also be a fin and tail rot treatment, I didn't know if maybe fungus was the culprit for the loss of fins on the other fish but I needed to do something. This time I put the 4 tetras in a ten gallon (including the healthy one because I figured he may still have caught something from his fellow fish that would start to manifest the moment I was finished treating the obviously sick ones, things like that tend to happen) and treated them.

Treatment ended about 3 weeks ago. Healthy fish remains healthy. fish with fungus on chin has no fungus. One of the two big fish has not gotten worse and may be regrowing fins, it's hard to tell. The big tetra who had lost almost all his fins looks really creepy today. Both eyes have white cloudiness in them, many of the scales on his body have the color drained out of them, the top of his head has the color drained out so that it is mostly white, the rims of his gills are white and his gills stick out some. His fins have shown no improvement.

I really don't know what to do about this fish, he just gets worse and worse and I hate to keep medicating him, he looks very bad but is acting pretty normal. What do you think is wrong with him and what should I do about it? I'll try and get pictures if it'll help.

for the record no other fish besides the bleeding hearts have caught anything any of these guys have had.

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