Dog Walking Question


New Member
May 5, 2009
It's interesting how people see dogs behavior. I haven't never thought that when dog walks in front of me he is the leader ("alpha"), because in wolf packs so called alpha isn't walking in front always - there is so called scout in some cases. I used to believe in tight pack theories (dog can't never go first from doors, dog don't have never reason to bite you etc.), but now I think that dogs do only things what are meaningful for themselves in good or bad ways (they are doing things because they will get something as a reward or they are avoiding something bad).

I think it is really silly to think that dog is the alpha when he walks in front of you. But if it bothers someone that the dog walks in front, you can always teach him walk behind you or by your side :) My own dogs walks in front of me and there isn't any problems with them.

I think that so called leadership is something like trust - your dog can trust on your actions in good and sometimes in bad ways and you can trust to your dog.

It's very educational to read how people see things on other side of world :)

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